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There was a long silence in the kitchen after the cups dropped.

They all had their jaws down as they stared at the pieces.

Lisa's eyes moved slowly from the cup till they landed on me, I gave her a smile.

"That's it."

She said with her left hand fisted and for a moment I saw the beast inside her about to unleash, the veins on her neck and wrist scared me.

"Hey calm down, you don't wanna do this." Her friend held her back.

"She is just another immature girl, don't do it." I eyed him at his statement.

"You have to remember why you're doing this, you've gone far already. I know how much those cups mean to you, she is upset."

Lisa gave me a murderous stare, she pulled away from her friend and walked out of the kitchen.

I stared at his friend who looked relieved for some reason, I was kinda confused but I stayed mute.

"I get that you're upset, Jennie, but you shouldn't have. Lisa, is gonna tell you when she is ready."

"I just want her to say the truth. Why did she toy with my life like that? I wanna know, am I not allowed to at least know why she picked me?"

"Soon, Jennie, I promise." He said softly.

"Ouch!" I winced at the sharp pain under my feet.

"I'm fine." I held my hand up stopping him as he moved to help me.

"Jarvis where is my room?"

I tried to hide the pain in my voice.

I limped to my room, leaving blood behind but Jarvis promised to clean it.

I walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet then pulled out the pieces of glass that succeeded in piercing my feet.

I tried to suppress my scream, the pain was unbearable. Tears brimmed at the edge of my eyes after I was done.

I whimpered as I took slow steps to search for the first aid kit but I found none.

I decided to wash the blood off and dried it with a towel but the bleeding won't stop so I tied my feet with the extra towels and crawled to the bed.

I wiped the tear that rolled down away and stared at my room, it looked like a luxurious hotel suite.

My head was starting to ache, I groaned and laid on the bed.

I wanted to catch some sleep and forget about today.


There was a sudden agonizing pain on my left foot that woke me up.

"Easy, stay still." I opened my eyes to the voice.


"Did you sleep well?"

I looked at her in bewilderment, she was sitting on my bed with my feet on her laps and a first aid kit beside her.

"The cuts are deep."

I sat up slowly and stared at her still confused, a few hours ago she looked like she wanted to kill me.

"You stained the bed, the towels didn't hold the blood and some tiny glass were still inside."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked trying to pull my legs away but she held them back.

"You're my responsibility now." I scoffed lowly.

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now