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I gripped Hae-in's arm as he carried me in his arms to the long sofa in the living room, he placed me gently like he was holding an egg.

"Hey, you're going to be fine."

He whispered, stroking my hair, I nodded frantically wanting his words to be true, was I ever going to be fine?

"I will be right back."

He left me alone.

I whimpered, gripping the sides of the sofa, he returned with a glass of water.

Maybe it was the migraine, I left the pills for the migraine at Lisa's, I left all my belongings there too.

Hae-in pulled the table in the middle, closer to where I laid, he sat down not resting all his weight on it.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital."

"No, it's okay. The pain is subsiding."

He didn't look convinced.

"Is this the first time?"

"No," I lied.

Anything to avoid going to the hospital, I was sick of staring at white walls of the hospital, the nauseous smell of disinfectants and medicines.

He moved his hand closer and placed his palm on my forehead.

"Shit! You're burning up."

He stood up in a flash and left.

He returned with his car keys and the blanket I had around me earlier.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No, I'm fine. It's nothing serious I swear."

I said sitting up but my body didn't feel the same anymore, my strength was wearing out and I was aware of the goosebumps on my skin.

"I will be okay once I have some rest."

I added collecting the blanket, I wrapped it around myself and laid back.

"I will make you some soup," he offered.

I nodded and he left.

The soup was good and very hot, my tongue was still burning from the soup.

"I will take you to your room."

He told me after he returned from the kitchen.

He held my arm as we climbed the stairs, the pain in my head wasn't bad as before.

He pulled the comforter up to my neck after I laid on the queen bed, he touched my forehead again, I flinched from the coolness from his hand.

"You are still hot."

He sounded worried, he left and returned with a small towel soaked in cold water.

He rubbed my face and my arms gently and placed the towel on my forehead.

"SHe never wanted this, that's all I want you to know. Her mom was scared of losing her, Lisa's guilt drove her to suicidal thoughts and nothing seemed to be working. They thought bringing some random young girl to stay with her will help."

"SHe destroyed my life, she ruined everything for me. I don't care if she decides to take her life."

He just stared at me after I was done talking.

"I will be back to check on you."

He told me before leaving.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep instantly.

Her 💔 L-I-E-S❣️ (JenLisa 💓)Where stories live. Discover now