Juliana hated her royal role. Despising the limelight, she takes solace in her New York apartment and steers clear of any drama. But when her brother and his wife decided to step down as senior royals, her grandmother asks Juliana for help.
Chapter Twenty-Six | The Closet MakeOver —12th July 2020
"You know what's funny, Daniel won't let me use my own closet. I haven't been in it for weeks." I said as Beatrice and I were on a walk around the house.
Beatrice chuckled.
"You really don't know why he won't let you in the closet?" Beatrice asked.
I shook my head no.
"Do you know?" I answered.
"No, maybe he's trying on all your clothes or selling them and he won't let you in so you don't notice what's missing." Beatrice said with a shrug.
"He wouldn't dare." I said, sternly.
"Hey relax, we don't know what he's doing in there but I'm sure it's for a good reason." She said as we walked up to the entrance gate.
That's when we heard a baby wail, I thought nothing of it until I opened the gate.
"What's that noise?" I asked.
"Sounds like a baby crying." Beatrice answered.
I checked left and right of the entrance, and there was that high pitched wail again so I looked down.
Behold, to my surprise was a baby wrapped in blanket.
"Oh dear God, is that a baby?" Beatrice asked.
"Who would leave a baby out here like this?" I asked as I picked up the baby.
"There's a note." She said as she picked the note attached to the baby bag.
"What does it says?" I asked as I stared down at the baby in my arms.
"Dear Princess Juliana, If you are reading this then you have found the baby. Words cannot express how sorry I am to do this to you, but know that I only ever had his best interests at heart. I can no longer care for my son, your son, and so I have done the only thing I could to ensure he has the life he deserves. I am leaving him with you, to give him the childhood and life that I could only dream of giving him. Please love him, look after him and give him everything that I never could. I will never forget him and will think about her every day. I had a dream that you held him in your arms on your wedding day on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. So I know I'm making the right decision. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Please don't look for me, please don't make this harder than it already is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. By the way, he's eight months and has no known allergies. He also has no name so you can name him anything you want." Beatrice said as she read the note and looked at the baby.
I grabbed my phone and dialed the one person who I knew would solve all my problems.
"Good afternoon, Juliana, to what do I owe the pleasure of such an early phone call?" Granny answered the phone in her soft and soothing tone.
"I need your help!" I almost screamed down the phone "Something's happened!" I exclaimed as Beatrice was now holding the baby.
"Where are you? What's wrong? What's going on?" Granny asked as he voice changed into mother hen mode as she realised that I didn't call for a chit chat.
"Someone left a baby at my entrance gate." I answered.
"They did what?!" Granny exclaimed.
"They left a eight month old baby boy at my entrance gate." I said.
Granny groaned.
"Okay, Juliana take the baby inside and I'll call child protection and have the royal doctor sent over to check on the baby and please wear clothes that hides your bump." Granny said, sighing.
"I will, Granny, Beatrice and I are a nervous wreck right now so thank you for helping." I said.
"It's what I'm here for, Juliana, now both of you get in the house and wait for my instructions. I'll call you back." Granny said, ending the call.
Beatrice looked at me.
"What did she say?" She asked.
"To bring the baby inside and wait for her instructions as we will have visitors soon." I answered.
We walked back inside the gate and I closed it. We walked down to the house and entered as Daniel came down the stairs.
He froze once he saw the baby.
"Did you have the baby?" He asked.
"What? No! We found this baby outside." I answered as he sighed.
"Oh thank God, you had me worried there for a minute. I thought you gave birth outside or something." He said as he picked up the baby from Beatrice's arms and cuddling him into his arms.
"Why would someone leave such an innocent little boy outside?" Daniel asked as the baby grabbed his finger and put it in his mouth.
"They said they couldn't afford to take care of him and they knew Juliana was destined to be this little boy's mum." Beatrice answered.
"Looks like someone may be hungry." I said, as the baby started crying.
"What do you mean destined?" Daniel asked.
"Apparently, they had a dream that Juliana was holding this little boy on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. He was a prince and it was Juliana's wedding day." Beatrice replied as she started digging through the baby bag.
"There's only a little amount of formula left." She said.
"He's eight months, he can have soft solid food, right?" I asked, googling my question.
"I think so." Daniel answered.
"He also needs a baby change." Beatrice said.
"Not it." I said.
Daniel laughed.
"Let's go and get you changed, Junsu." Daniel said.
"Junsu?" I asked.
"Yes, I think that name fits him." He answered.
"I'll make him something to eat." Beatrice said, walking to the kitchen.
Daniel and I walked upstairs and towards my closet.
Daniel opened the door and I gasped.
"Daniel!" I squealed as I realized what he done to the closet.
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"You like it?" He asked.
"I love it. I can't believe you did this." I answered.
"Hey, you said you needed more closet space." He said.
"Thank you so much for listening." I said.
"What are we going to do about this little one?" He asked.
"I think we should do the right thing." I answered.