chapter [1]

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Seonghwa's POV

The wind was blowing through the empty tunnels of the subway and except for it's silent whispers there was no noise in the almost empty station. The last train had just stopped here a few minutes ago when I got of clothed in black, with sunglasses, a black cap and a suitcase.

"You're supposed to meet them in the side alley right to your left when you leave the building" I heard Yunho's focused voice comming from the small speaker in my ear while I silently went up the stairs to the exit of the station.
The woman at the counter doing her late shift had her head on her arm and was quietly snoring. I stared at her for a second before pushing open the heavy glass doors and stepping on the dark streets near the city center.
Seoul was a lively city... even at night the street lights were shining brightly but luckily it was Christmas eve today so except for a few stray cats there was pretty much nobody.

"Yunho, can you show me a picture of the clients again?" I asked and not even a second later pictures of two middle aged men showed up on the inside of my sunglasses. They weren't even sunglasses to be honest. Just a helpful gadget designed by Yunho's father aka my uncle but both him and his wife died 11 years ago when I was 8.
The family business was serious... so it wasn't unusual that some of us died early.

"The left one is Mr. Song, an unpopular business man, he is the one that sent the USB stick and asked us to deliver it savely to his business parter which is the second guy. His name is Mr. Kim. A CEO for a small agency."

Yunho explained and I closely obseverd the men's faces. They didn't seem familiar at all.
"How many people are gonna be there?"
"The client didn't give any information about that... Seonghwa listen, this sounds suspicious to me..."

The others voice sounded worried but I was confident in my skills. It wouldn't be the first time that things didn't go as planned but Blaze always completed his job as long as people payed me enough.
And in the worst case Yunho could still come out of his small dark room from where he was guiding me and help me out.
His skills might be more based on computer stuff and hacking but he wasn't only smart but also a skilled fighter.

"Don't worry... I got this. Can't ruin my good reputation."

I entered the side alley that Yunho had mentioned before and had difficulties seeing at first since the light didn't reach every corner and left black shadows in which I hid and waited for the person that I was supposed to give the suitcase to.

"And remember... only use your fire if there is no other way. If it gets out of hand like last month I'm not sure if we can cover up the damage."

I pulled up my mask and stared at my left hand that was covered in a black glove. I knew how to controll it... however, sometimes when I didn't focus... it happened out of instinct.

"Three people approaching from the left. Mr. Kim is not among them."

I turned my head in the said direction and saw the three men slowly walking closer and looking around. The man at the front wore two different colored shoes which was the secret sign we told them to do. 

Alright... I was going to do this quickly and without wasting any time like always. Confidently, I stepped out of the shadows and startet walking in the guys' direction. The light of a car enlightened the alley for a second and I kept my head low. The man with the different shoes stopped and I dropped the suitcase next to him without even changing my pace.

But when I had almost reached the main road again I was suddenly stopped by two police cars blocking the way. They came from both sides as if they knew exactly that someone was walking there.
I turned around again seeing the other three guys pointing their gun at me.

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