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Yeosang's POV

Thanks to Mingi we had been able to contact Yunho and ask him to meet up in person. Even though he wouldn't agree at first, we were able to get him to talk to me.
But therefore me and him had to be alone... so I told the others to stay at Wooyoung's while I was about to meet up with the mint haired boy at the place he described.

It was an abandoned small hill around 20 minutes away from the city but gladly there was a bus stop near by.
Yunho already waited for me, leaning onto a nearby tree that carried no leafes and looked grey and dead. He was totally different from the first time I met him. His gaze was cold and distant and there was no sign of the happy and caring person that Seonghwa said he was.
Remembering how his friends were killed when he tried to talk to Seonghwa a day ago, I felt empathy for the boy.
This was the reason I didn't want Wooyoung and the others getting involved in this... I could not live without them.

"Yunho..." I carefully called out to the boy who turned around slowly.
"If you are here to ask me to negotiate, I'll leave." he made clear before I could approach any further.
I sighed in thoughts and deleted 'making Yunho negotiate' from my to do list.
"No... that's not why I'm here. I need to talk to your gate keeper and clan leader." I got straight to the point and patiently waited for an answer.
"Is that so?"
"You know that at least 80% of our clan wants to see you dead, additionally you've sided with the enemy. So what makes you think you could talk to them?" he asked staring down at me in dissapointment. But I didn't care.

"First, I haven't sided with the enemy. I actually had to escape from there. I also know what happend when you went there to talk to Seonghwa. In these times both water and fire clan have blood on their hands and I won't take sides.
The reason I am here is because there might be a misunderstanding about the meaning of the prophecy that both clan's gotta take into consideration."
I couldn't read Yunho's expression after what I said but it was obvious that he didn't change his opinion yet.
"And additionally I think that Seonghwa is falling for a reality that will hurt him in the end by thinking that the water clan is the 'good' clan. I want to protect him but therefore we need to show him the truth of this war." I added while the other's eyes narrowed.

It was quiet for a few seconds.
"Alright, I'll let you talk to the gate keeper and the leader because I owe you one after kidnapping you but if I sense any attempt of backstabbing I won't hesitate to hurt you." his voice was dead serious sending shivers down my spine.
But I already took into consideration that something like this might happen so I was mentally prepared.
But in any way... the difficult part wasn't getting into the hideout but getting out again.
What if they'd chase me like the water clan? That time I got help but there was no guarantee I would survive again this time.

In silence I followed after Yunho who led me through empty fields across fallen over trees until we reached a small cliff consisting of black rock making me wonder what material it was made of.
Remembering that this hill apparently used to be a volcano in the past it seemed logical that this was a rock of cooled lava.
"Bougie, make sure there is no one on the way to the leaders office and please tell him that there is someone who wants to speak with you two." Yunho suddenly said holding his hand on his ear.
He was wearing an in-ear-piece?
But what would you expect from an IT professional and hacker...

Just when I was wondering how we'd get inside, the rock of magma suddenly started melting into red and incredibly hot lava revealing a dark hallway. All of this seemed familiar from the other hideout...

"Follow right behind me and if someone comes our way, hide your face." Yunho demanded leaving me no time to answer before he had already disappeared into darkness.

Seonghwa's POV

"Yeosang? He disappeared yesterday." Hongjoong crossed his arms as I had just approached him to ask for Yeosang.
I was still angry with him and even though I tried I just couldn't get what was going on with him. However, I didn't want to fight with him so maybe talking more would help. But this answer was a like a slap in the face.

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