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Yeosang's POV

2 hours had passed since what happened at the park and we were staying at my place.
Mingi had shown up right after we fell from the bridge saying he couldn't stop Yunho and right now all of them were sitting in the living room, except for Seonghwa who was busy making sure San couldn't leave when he woke up in the guest room.
I also wasn't with the others but alone in my room, watching the sun slowly disappearing behind the skyscrapers.
I needed time for myself to think.

Hwaseong... no, Seonghwa was him. He was Blaze from the beginning. It was him that broke into my appartment and him that kidnapped me and carried me on his arms... and then a few days ago when I found him in front of my house it was also Seonghwa that secretly entered later and took the memory card.
Oh god, he even kissed me.
I groaned and hid myself under some pillows. I was so stupid, how didn't I notice sooner?!
And on top of that I treated him like trash at the beginning. How did he not completely hate me by now?!
"Urgh... I hate myself." I groaned again.
Seonghwa was so powerful and skilled and I had almost made him loose in that fight. There was no doubt he could could wipe out anybody that was a threat to him. Should I be scared then?

Actually, I was afraid a little. But not because I feared Seonghwa's powers but the days that were ahead of us. What it seemed like, there was a lot more behind his powers of both water and fire than he knew himself and... what if my dream of the past would repeat itself in the future?
I couldn't endure the fact that Seonghwa will forget who he is and kill his own men.
The vision I had when I was unconcious in the hacker hideout was clearly infront of eyes again.
There was no doubt that it was Seonghwa that stabbed Yunho... his own cousin and then me...
What or who could be strong enough to mess with his mind like that? How could he ever change to a monster like that... Was it the fault of the red haired person I saw?
Whoever that was... he was dangerous.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said and sat up on my bed before Seonghwa entered through the door. I was surprised that he'd come to me first and for a few seconds we just stared at each not knowing what to say.
"Why are you here..." I asked hinting a little anger in my voice. I had all rights to be angry at him because I wasn't the only one that did mistakes.
A little pain was visible in Seonghwa's eyes.
"I... I am here to apologize." he explained and closed the door behind him but the boy still kept his distance to me.
"Apologize for what? Lying to me the whole time? Pulling me into this war of magic clans? Messing with my feelings?!" I raised my voice. It was true, I was totally frustated by all of this, especially the feelings I had towards him... how could he kiss me one day and say that it's not right the other day just because he was another person...

Seonghwa stayed quiet, lost in words.
It was almost pitiful.
"What am I to you, Seonghwa, Hwaseong, Blaze, my manager or whoever you are? Am I just the guy that you need to fulfill some prophecy? Do I even mean anything to you? What is your true self?! Just say to my face that you hate me and stop acting nice to gain my trust!" I stood up and threw the duvet on the floor. I wanted to hear him say the truth. He was surely hating me, probably it even pained him to be in the same room as me.

"I am a horrible person! So say it!! Say you hate me!" I pushed Seonghwa so he bumbed into the wall, his eyes glowing with anger.
I was about to yell again when he grabbed my hand.
"The real me is right here in front you Yeosang." his tensed voice send shivers down my spine.
"It doesn't matter what you call me, because right now I'm talking to you as the person who I am.
Do you know how much it pained me to not tell you the truth. Do you think it's fun to constantly be followed by the enemy having no clue why I am the way I am?!"
"I- I" I stuttered but couldn't say anything, Seonghwa let go of my hand and turned around.
"It's true... I came to be your manager because I wanted to find out about your powers and at the beginning I really hated you." His words were like a needle that pierced my heart.
"But..." slowly he turned around again and took a step forward while I took one back.
"You are already in this and you can't escape your destiny... there is something about you that just imprinted you into my mind. When San pushed a knife to your throat I almost went crazy." He took another step.
"When I look into your eyes I remember the day when I kissed you. I thought it was just some kind of joke to me but I started realizing that there is something I feel for you."
I was right infront of the bed and couldn't go any further.

"But then in the dance studio I could not endure being close to you. It felt like betraying you because I lied to you... I wanted to tell you the truth... I wanted you to like me the way I am."

I didn't know what to say, if I should cry or smile but Seonhwa looked so desperate and sad.
He took another step and I leaned back out of instinct but it made me fall on the sheets. Before I knew it Seonghwa was hovering above me, his knees next to my legs and his hands pinning my wrists down.
Wait... were his eyes watery?

"You know Yeosang... you're the only person I can trust right now. I don't know why I have both fire and water powers nor why you are possesed by spirits... but you were always there to protect me. I thought I was strong but I'd already be dead without you.
I have to find out what I am supposed to do... I can trust neither San nor my cousin so the only person I have is you, Yeosang."
A tear rolled down his cheek. I never knew how much he struggled in this situation and I instantly felt bad for the things I said to him.

"I- I can't do this without you."
A tear dropped on my cheek and I was stunned for a few seconds. How could I think it was easy for him? I was so selfish...
"I am right here." I calmly spoke to him and his eyes widened when he saw my smile.
"And I won't go anywhere. With this glowing habit I have, I can't really say that I'm not part of all this, can I?"
I joked.
"I am sorry for yelling at you..." I added and shyly looked away for a moment.
"You have all the right to yell at me..." Seonghwa answered with a sad voice but his face was smiling despite the tears.
We looked each other in the eye trying to read the other's emotions. His eyes were still the most beautiful ones I had ever seen.
"Seonghwa..." I whispered. This was the first time I called him by his real name.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Gladly..." the other whispered and pressed his soft lips on mine.

(Smut warning)

Is was like I was drowning the past few minutes and finally got pulled on the surface of a beautiful blue ocean.
Seonghwa's touch was gentle when he moved his lips in synch with mine and I tasted the salt of his tears.
Slowly he let go of my wrists and let his hands slide through my hair. I loved the feeling.
"Everything is gonna be fine..." I whispered and wiped away his tears with my thumb.
"Don't leave me." The ravenette said and nibbled on my lower lip.
Even if I wanted I couldn't leave him. Our destinies were tied together and it was my duty to protect him.
"I won't..." I answered and pulled him closer next to me on the bed. He was leaning against the pillows, me on his lap but I didn't let go of his lips.
His eyes were glowing beautifully as he let his hands slide down my sides making me shiver for a second.
I bit Seonghwa's lips making the boy gasp for second before his tongue collided with mine. It was different from the first time we kissed... in every of his movements I could feel his emotions. The confusion, regret, happiness and sadness... all the things that I also felt.

Slowly, I opened the buttons on his shirt, one after another. I still remembered how beautiful his toned body was.
Seonghwa hummed when I let my hands brush over his chest down to his abs before I noticed the bandage on his shoulder and down to his ellbow.
"What is this?" I carefully whispered and the other followed my gaze to his arms letting go of my lips for a second.
"A bullet hit me in the hacker hideout... but I already treated it." he explained and smiled at me trying to tell me that he was fine.
I felt bad for not noticing sooner... his injury must have been the reason he used his left arm to fight for the last few hours. It had to be painful...
"Hmm, maybe this will help." I mumbled and pressed small pecks on the white bandage, one after another while my hands still were on his chest.
Seonghwa quietly laughed.
"You're too cute."

And also sorry for a very late update but I was preparing for a 3 hour exam and two presentations :(
I'll always try my best to update as soon as possible.

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