✰Beach Day✰

538 11 23

Finn's Pov

I woke up and realized that my arms were wrapped around Millie, I quickly removed them before she could notice. She opened her eyes and saw that she was laying on me and quickly got off, I guess god was trying to say that she doesn't like me.

"Hey." She says breaking the silence.

"Hello, how did you sleep?" I asked

"Good." She says smiling

"Let's go downstairs shall we?" I say.

"Ok, let's go." She says walking out of my room.

We got downstairs and the group was there staring and laughing at Millie and I. I wonder what they are laughing about.

"What are we laughing about well come look." Sadie says I guess she read my mind.

Millie walks over to Sadie as I follow. I see Millie laughing. I took Sadie's phone and I saw photos of Millie and I cuddling in my bed while sleeping. I didn't know that I did that shoot, well now I refuse anything my friends are saying they ship it, I can't reveal the truth just yet. Remember only Noah knows.

"You like Millie!" Everyone says to me and I say

"Look guys, like I have said before. Millie and I are just friends and it's already enough of how much the fans ship us, it's like you guys are a different type of fan base." I say laughing it off.

"I think this is time for me to leave guys." Gaten says getting up and collecting his stuff.

"I hate to say it but I have no other clothes and I have to be home. I have to do a photoshoot." Sadie says

"Oh, Sadie I think that's a double with me right?" Noah says, she nods and they say goodbye and leave.

Soon everyone but Millie is gone. I was going to ask when she was going to leave, I'm not trying to sound rude but you know it's a common thought. But she says something.

"Hey Finnie, can we go to the mall. If you're not busy." I'm never busy for her, well unless I have a shoot or something related to family.

"Sure Mills, let's go."

"Ok well I have no more clothes so I get to wear yours." I picked her up bridal style and brought her into my bathroom so she can do whatever she needs to do before me. She walked out in a towel and I handed her the clothes and went into the bathroom before all my feelings went through the roof.

"Are you done Finn?" Mille knocked on the door and I said yes.

"I know we both just showered but can we go to the beach?" Millie asks

"Sure we could always shower again." I say putting on a pair of swim trunks and a shirt.

Millie's Pov

Finn and I were going to the beach! Yay! I love the beach, I haven't been there in years. I grabbed my suit from yesterday and put it on and wore my clothes from yesterday but Finn had another idea.

"Mills, you're supposed to wear my clothes." He says in a fake whiny tone.

"I'm supposed to, and why is that?" I like him and I love wearing whatever he owns but still I have to question him, it's what I do.

"Because...those clothes from yesterday are dirty and they don't look comfortable to me." He turns his head away quickly to hide something. Hmm I wonder what he wanted to hide.

Soon we get in his car and we drive to the beach.

This whole sequence is the whole car ride

Finn's Pov

Thank god we got in the car, my face was exploding with emotions. I'm happy Millie couldn't see my face because I was blushing and getting all smiley. I look over to my right and I see Millie singing along with the Taylor Swift music playing on the radio.

"Say you'll remember me

Standing in a nice dress

Staring at the sunset, babe

Red lips and rosy cheeks

Say you'll see me again

Even if it's just in your

Wildest dreams, ah-aah, haa

Wildest dreams, ah-aah, haa." She sings, man. Her voice is so angelic. As the song ends we park in the beach parking and walk to find a spot on the hot blistering sand.

"What about here?" Millie asks, I nod and we set up our blankets.

"Ok, sunscreen. No one is getting burned today?" I say to Millie giving her the spray.

"Haha, thanks Wolfhard. Can you help me with my back?" She says

"Sure." I made my way over to her only to realize that she was handing me the cream sun lotion. God are you trying to get me found out?

"How should I do it? I haven't ever put the cream on anyone before." I say putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Just message it in, I'm sure you can do that." Millie says, I start messaging the cream in and suddenly somehow we both forget what was going on. I snapped out of it.

"Ok, wanna hit the water now?" I say, scratching the back of my neck with my arm, I always do this when I feel uncomfortable or just nervous.

"Yea, sure...let's go!." Millie says pulling me towards the water.

Soon we finished splashing and decided to just walk on the beach and see the sunset.


"Mmm." I say looking over at Millie.

"Isn't this sunset the prettiest thing you've ever seen?" I realized I was lost staring into her eyes. I snapped out of it and said.

"Yea I guess." I didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean I guess? What other prettier things have you seen?" I felt my face getting red, but it's a good thing that it was dark so she couldn't see.

"Um...well... a girl." I say, now as long as she doesn't ask who then we are good.

"Oooo, who is this girl?" Great, I didn't want this.

"Well, I don't want to share a name but...she is kind, funny, so sweet, and she is just plain beautiful." Haha you thought I was going to tell her! Well no I'm not, I just started writing a song about me wanting Millie so...I can't do that until I am done with the song. After that conversation, I drove Millie home and I rushed home to finish my song. 

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