✰" I'm sorry."✰

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A/N: Just a reminder of what happened at the end of the last chapter :)

Finn's Pov
Noah looks up at me waiting for me to say something.

"So. . . wha. . . why?" I say looking at Noah giving him the chance to speak.

"Well, I don't know if you know but I've had the biggest crush on Millie for a really long time."

"Wait, what about Sadie? How long did you like Millie for?" I say in utter shock.

"Well, I have had a huge crush on Millie. But once I knew it would go nowhere I began to develop feelings for Sadie while still liking Millie, and when you said you liked Millie I just knew it would work out for you so I didn't tell you about how I felt." He says looking down.

"Ok, but why didn't you tell me?" I ask

"I was nervous you would tell me to back off or something, you know?" He says looking up now.
"Noah, I would never tell you to back off. But why did you kiss her?" I say

"In the moment, I forgot about your relationship and everything so I leaned in and kissed her the whole time you were in the bathroom. I only did it because I was just curious to know how it would be to kiss my crush you know? I never meant to hurt you."

"I get that but, Noah, you did hurt me. I just never thought you would do that to me, as close friends it's just against the rules to make any move on the others girl."

"I know that, but I got caught up in the moment. Of course no matter how many times I say sorry you won't forgive me."

"I'm glad you understand how I feel, and yes I won't really forgive for doing this but we are cool ok?" I say. We hugged, said goodbye and with that he left.

A/N: And now enjoy this chapter!

Finn's Pov
I just finished with Noah and it is currently 12:30 am, I want to make things right with Millie so that is just what I'll do.

I drove over to her house and climbed up to her window and knocked.

Millie's Pov
I woke around 12:30 to a strange knocking on my window. I got out of bed scared for the life of me when I see that it's Finn. I let him in of course and went back to my bed.

"Finn, what are you doing here?" I ask

"Well, I came to apologize earlier." Aw he is so sweet.

"That's sweet but, at 12:30?"

"Yes,  I couldn't sleep." He says.

"Ok, come here on my bed if you want." I say laying down into the covers of my bed. Finn joins me but sits at the end of my bed.

"Look Millie, I'm very sorry about today. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, you truy did nothing." Finn says looking down while shuffling some of his hair around.

"Finn, it's ok. I understand what it looked like, but I promise it's not like that." I say sitting up looking towards him.

"Well, It looked like that and I talked with Noah. I found out something interesting too."

"Oh, do tell." I say

"Well, turns out he has liked you for a really long time." He says

"What about Sadie?" I asked.

"Turns out that was just a little distraction, but he did feel a little something for her." Finn says climbing closer to me.

"Wow, that's unexpected but I guess now I know why he would do that." I say leaning into Finn. We stayed there for a minute and then he said.

"Ok, I'm going to go now and let you have some sleep." He says kissing my forehead and getting off my bed making his way towards my window.

"Finn, wait . . . can you stay." I asked.

"Sure . . . if that's what you want." He says climbing into my bed. We fell asleep all covered with my sheets and of course with each other. I'm so glad this whole situation was resolved and figured out.

A/N: Hey guys! So, what did you think of this chapter? Leave comments about what you thought of this chapter, I would love to know what you guys think! Don't forget to vote and keep enjoying this story! - Author ✨✌

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