Moving Ed: Part 2

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Ed was dragging me to the junkyard. Once we got to our destination, I smacked Ed on the back on the head. "Hey sweet cheeks, I need a favor from ya'" Eddy said. I looked down to him and gave him a death stare. "U-um... We need y-you too be a t-t-tester for our new scam," Double D sputtered. "And why would you choose me?" I asked, pointing at myself with one hand, the other on my hip. "W-well... No one else w-would have wanted to d-do it s-s-soo.. H-here you are?" Double D stuttered, he was obviously nervous around me. "C'mon! We don't have all day!" Eddy shouted. He dragged us all towards his next scam. "An ice cream truck? Really?" I say, sounding extremely disappointed. "Kids love ice cream! And it's summer, so they'll be flocking to get some!" Eddy shouts in excitement. I was wearing a F/C hoodie at that moment, so I just looked down at it and looked back at him, who noticed what I was wearing. "I'm in multiple layers of clothing, and I'm doing just fine. I don't think they're dying," I stated. I was wearing a F/C hoodie with black leggings and large F/C jean shorts on top of the leggings. Needless to say, I wasn't dressed for summer. "Just... Try the ice cream!" Eddy shouted, shoving what looked like ice cream on a cone towards me. I took it and it felt like wood. I tapped the 'ice cream' and it was just wood as well. "You could've done better on the paint job" I say coldly, continuing to examine the wooden ice cream. All of them looked extremely nervous when I looked back at them, hanging their heads low. My stare was so cold and dead, it was probably unnatural to them. "But..." I started, closing your eyes and chucking the wooden treat to the side. They looked up at me in interest, "... This would probably be enough to fool them. They aren't the brightest bulbs in the box," I continued. Eddy smiled and started commanding Double D and Ed around to get the ice cream truck to the kids, which was kinda difficult because the truck was made out of cardboard. I walked away from the boys to find someone else, maybe Nazz. You walk back to the cul-de-sac. "Dude! Where were you?! I've been looking for you for half an hour!" Nazz said, her voice laced with concern. "I was at the junkyard," I stated, not really displaying any emotion. Suddenly, the kids heard what sounded like bad ice cream truck music. Everyone except me looked towards where the noise was coming from. "Come to Eddy's ice cream truck to get a delicious frozen treat!" Eddy screamed. All of the kids looked excited, all except Kevin and I. "Seriously dorkies? I ain't falling for it." Kevin said, sounding very annoyed. I walked to right beside him, Kevin not noticing that I was there. "Don't eat the ice cream, it's made out of wood," I whispered to him, he kinda jumped and slightly blushed when he saw me next to him. Though after, his surprise turned to confusion as he looked towards me. "Wood? How do you know?" He whispered to me, sounding very confused. "You know how I said I was at the junkyard?" "Yeah?" "They kinda kidnapped me to test the scam, although I walked away," we whispered back and forth. He made an 'oh' face, but it quickly turned to annoyance and anger as he turned towards the scam the eds were presenting. Nazz walked up to me as he walked away. "Hey dude, want some ice cream?" She asked me, handing me a wooden ice cream. "No thanks, and I wouldn't eat that if I were you," I said, pointing at the wooden treat that she was carrying in her other hand. The eds had already escaped when Jimmy squeaked "Owie! Splinters!", sticking out his tongue to show that indeed, there was splinters. She tapped the ice cream, noticing it sounded awfully like wood. "THE ED BOYS HAVE TRICKED ROLF ONCE AGAIN?!?!" Rolf screamed, sounding really pissed. Rolf, Sarah, Johnny, Jimmy and Kevin all went to go beat up the eds and get their money back, while Nazz and I just stayed back. "Hey, how about we go get some real ice cream?" I asked suddenly, turning towards her. "Sure!" She said happily, and we walked towards where she thinks is the ice cream parlor.

We eventually make it too the ice cream parlor. She ordered regular vanilla while I ordered (fav ice cream flavor) and we licked our ice cream, enjoying ourselves. We finally made it back to the cul-de-sac with ice cream in hand. Jimmy and Sarah look towards us with confusion, then joy. "Wow! Where did you get the ice cream?" Sarah asked. "Well, we walked to the ice cream parlor and paid for it." I stated. "You two wanna try some?" Nazz asked, gesturing her vanilla ice cream towards the two younger ones. I walked away from the other three, wanting to go talk to Kevin and Rolf. "Hey guys," I greeted, they both looking at me and then slightly blushing. They noticed my ice cream, but didn't say anything about it. "Hey Y/N," Kevin said. "Hello Y/N, what brings you to Rolf and Kevins conversation?" Rolf questioned. "I just wanted to talk," I stated without malice. I had too look up too talk to Rolf because both Kevin and Rolf were both taller than me, Kevin only being slightly. "Well, what do you like, smaller one?" Rolf asks. "Hmmm... Well... I like too draw, adventure, and read..." I say, thinking in between. We continued to talk until I felt myself being picked up and thrown. I heard people yelling my name, and I saw where I was heading, turns out I was thrown into the woods. I was slammed against a tree and rubbed the back of my skull while I closed my eyes in pain. "Dammit..." I grunted. I opened one eye, not expecting to see anyone. But to my surprise, I saw three girls, one blonde, one red-head, and a girl with blue hair. "Yo, you okay?" The blue haired one said. "Y-yeah... Just dandy..." I muttered in pain. "You don't look like it!" The blonde girl said with concern. "Aaah! Kankers!" Three people screamed in fear. I turned to see the eds. "Oh! Our boyfriends! Sorry stranger!" The blonde screamed as they started chasing the eds. I got up, cracked my back, and started my walk home. I stumbled and fell a few times, causing scrapes on my knees. I eventually found my way back to the cul-de-sac to see a bunch of worried kids. When they saw me they kept asking me a variety of questions, mostly different variations of 'are you ok' and 'what happened'. This is gonna be a long explanation...

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