Out With The Old In With The Ed

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I looked confused at the trees while checking my phone. People are acting like it's still summer even though school is tomorrow! The hell?! Uuhh, I guess I didn't have to buy school supplies yesterday? I have no idea anymore. I also realized that I bought way too much supplies way too late. "What the hell is going on?"
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this was Eddy's doing just to squeeze out summer scams as long as he can. "Y'know what? Why do I even question this place anymore..."
I walked around for a bit before bumping into a trashcan, then looked inside of it. "Wait... Are these from calendars?"
There were at least 50 different ripped pages from calendars, all desplaying fall and winter months. The air suddenly turned cold as dark clouds gathered in the sky. "Uh-oh... That'll be a rainstorm..."
It suddenly started raining and large gusts of wind blew past all of us. Jimmy bounced past me and almost flew away before I grabbed him and he latched onto me waist, as well as Sarah. Edd almost bounced right by me as well, but I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down next to me. "It ain't summer, it's fall, man! Somebody swiped our calendars!" Kevin yelled. I let go of Double D once he got a stupid hamburger costume of himself. "So, like, doesn't school start tomorrow?" Nazz questioned. Everyone ran around, freaking out about how nobody was prepared, except Edd and I. Everyone suddenly barged into Double D's house and ransacked all his supplies, leaving him with no supplies and a broken door. I walked next to him as he cried on the ground, patting his back. "Hey, I can lend you some supplies. I have a phone so I knew that it was fall and bought way too much supplies," I offered, and he looked up at me, teary-eyed. "You'll really do that for me, Y/N?"
"Yeah! What're friends for?"
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" Edd repeated, hugging me tightly. "No problem, Double D."

I was riding on a wooden cart next to Rolf and Edd, just whistling the tune that was playing in my headphones while I drew. Once we arrived, I hoped off and waited with Edd for the other two, not really wanting to go to school. I followed Double D with Ed right on my trail. I hate school, but I always remember that I hate flowers, pie and kids more so... that doesn't make me feel any better but I guess I'll just roll with it. The bell rang as the door shut and we down the hall, not really waiting for Eddy. I followed Edd to the end of the hallway, not really paying attention to anything. "Isn't this exhilarating?" Edd asked next to me. "I dunno, I don't really like school... and then I remind myself that I hate other kids more than the school itself."
"Who sent you to bummerville?" Eddy sassed. "I dunno, who sent you to stupid mania?"

Eddy growled after that comment as I chuckled. Edd ran towards the homeroom posting thingy and I slightly lagged behind. I saw Nazz and decided to talk to her. "Hey Nazz, nice bow," "Thanks dude! You look great to!" "Aw, thanks."
Our conversation was short-lived however, because Kevin dragged her away. Edd found his and my name, but the other two were in completely different homerooms. I looked at all the different names, and just listened to my music until I stopped on a single name. "Lily Buttercup, room #107... how ironic is that name? Lily, a type of flower, Buttercup... what a... pretty name."
I sighed as I put my earbud back into my ear, listening to my favorite song. I was pushed aside by someone who I didn't really notice at first, but now my head is killing me. "Ow..." I muttered. I got up and looked around, but I couldn't see the Eds. "Where did they..?"
I looked to the figures of three leaving girls, but then looked back to the hallway and saw the Eds. "Where in Earth did you guys go?"
"We had to hide! Those were the Kankers!" Double D exclaimed. I shrugged and continued looking at the different names.

I sighed, still looking around for the eds. They ran off and I haven't been able to find them. I shrugged and headed off to class, not really wanting to get more lost than I already am. Suddenly, they burst in, covered in kiss marks. "Buhjesus, what happened?" "The Kankers tricked us..." All three mumbled in unison.

(A/N: hello everyone! Okay, so... 1K+ reads?! I dunno why, but you guys really like this story so, I'm gonna do a little special. I'm gonna do the movie! It won't affect the main story, it'll just be a long treat for you guys! I cannot express how greatful I am that you guys like this story, so, I'm gonna work my hardest to make Big Picture Show my best chapters yet!)

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