Hop, Skip, and Ed

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I just woke up and got my clothes on, everyone else was asleep so I decided to start cooking breakfast or something. I was standing there, half asleep, when I heard absolute terror, "Cookin' for me, beautiful?" Eddy asked. I slowly turned to him and stared him down. "It's too early for this. Shut up." I snapped. I pushed him away and kept cooking. "Geez, your grumpy." Eddy murmered. He tried to put his arm around my waist but I dropped the pan and grabbed his arm, putting it behing his back with LOTS of force. I kicked him away and continued cooking. Some other people finally woke up and I finished cooking. I put plates on the counter for everyone and one bt one everyone took a plate. "Thank you for making breakfast, Y/N" Double D said with a smile and a whole lot of blush. I nodded and stared off into space. "What are we gonne do today?" Jimmy asked. "We're going ice skating." I stated plainly. Edd thought for a moment while Kevin and Eddy had evil grins on their faces, looking at me. I went over and got ready everyones bags, warm clothes and skates and such. I new we didn't need something like heavy winter jackets, so I packed sweaters and some scarves and some gloves and toques... ect. I finished packing once everyone stopped eating and put away their plate. We all started walking towards the lake. Double D sped up his walking speed so that he could talk to me, because I was in front everyone else. "S-salutations Y-Y/N. I was w-wondering i-i-if you c-could teach me how to sk-skate?" Double D said with a massive amount of blush. I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and slowered his pace again to talk with Ed and Eddy. We finally arrived at the lake and it wad covered in a very thick coat of ice, which was perfect. I put down the bags and grabbed a pair of skates, and sat down by a nearby bench to put them on. I put on my skates and went onto the frozen lake. I skated around and spun before stopping myself and looking at everyone else. All the boys had blush on their faces and Jimmy, Sarah, and Nazz were clapping. I continued to skate around, waiting for everyone when Double D finally tried stepping on the ice, now in his ice skates. I held his hands to help him get balance. He looked like a tomato at that very moment. I helped him skate around for a bit while holding his hands and facing him. We skated around before I let go of Double D's hands, letting him skate around on his own. I skated away from everyone else and just did loops around the entire lake. I was going pretty fast when Double D fell into my way. I did a very sharp U-turn to stop from hitting him, but it ended up covering him in shredded bits of ice. I helped him up and brushed the ice of off him. He smiled and thanked me before continuing skating. We continued skating for a bit before I gor tired and put back on my regular shoes and decided to go on a walk in the forest near the lake. I wondered around a bit before I feel a tap on my back. I turn my head to see Eddy, with a sly grin grin. "Hey toots, I was wondering.... Will you be my girlfriend?" Eddy asked me, pulling out a flower that somehow survived in the cold. I stared at the flower, a red rose, for a while before I grabbed it. "No." I said coldly before crushing the entire rose with my hand. I'm pretty sure Eddy saw that as a message to 'keep trying' instead of 'no'. I walked past him and back to the lake where everyone was packing up. We went back to the cabin and talked for a while before going back to bed. This was... A very interesting day to say the least

(Hello! I'm very sorry for not posting this earlier, but I've been busy with other projects and I just couldn't get to writing this chapter for a while, but here it is!!!)

Bittersweet | Ed Edd N Eddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now