Things my ADHD thought of for EENE for the wait-

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Y/N is Demisexual so that's why she hasn't begun feeling attracted to anyone. I think it would also have to be a STRONG emotional connection.

Everyone's contact names from Y/N.

Ed: Doofus

Edd: Double Dork

Eddy: The Disappointment

Kevin: Biker B*tch


Nazz: Friend (is later "Best Friend")

Sarah: Problem Child

Jimmy: Not-So-Problematic Child

Johnny: Schizophrenic Termite

Marie: The Blue Haired One

Lee: The Red Haired One

May: The Blonde One

Some scenarios:

Y/N is sick and she needs Edd to take care of her

Rolf needs some help with yard work but he thinks that Y/N is to weak to help because she is a girl... but you prove him dead wrong

Y/N goes skateboarding with Kevin

Tea party with Nazz, Jimmy, Y/N and Sarah

Y/N has a mental breakdown and no one knows how to help

Y/N starts becoming more 'sickly' (your zoning out, sometimes falling limp completely, and everyone sounds like they're underwater), and The Eds need to play doctor

Nazz accidentally reveals what happened to
Y/N's mom and sister to Sarah and Jimmy, and Sarah accidentally tells the Eds, which makes them play detective with you to find out what happened

Suggest more scenarios in the future in the comments!

Some song stuff:

I had an idea one time where Marie and Y/N were forced to sing this song together and, since I think Y/N can't sing very well, they pick this song;

I just feel like Y/N would be literally speaking the lyrics with a bit of pizzazz. Marie would actually be the one singing. I also feel like they would try many different songs, like, MANY different songs, but Y/N literally can't sing to save her life so they chose this song.

Now, you may be asking me, "Author, why can't Y/N sing?"
It's because I want her to have some more flaws, other than just having a hatred against flowers and pie. So, I added some mental illness, a sprinkle of violent tendencies, and some extra little singing thing just to be safe.

Also, speaking of violent tendencies...

TW: Violent Tendancies! And also mention of murder and self harm.

Okay, so I got thinking. What if Y/N always had slight violent tendencies, but it was always towards herself and her bullies at school. Like, not cutting, but sometimes smashing her wrist on something to distract herself with pain or slapping herself when she needs to stop thinking about a particular thing. When she has a horrible panic attack or a mental breakdown, she starts smashing herself into things and punching walls. I imagine that she has many dents and holes in her walls in her past house, and probably her current one. I also thought, if Y/N had violent tendencies then what would she do when she found out that the pie her neighbors gave her was poisoned. She'd go over to their house with a knife and attempt to kill them. Of course, she didn't kill them, but she harmed them. That's when her dad said "Yep! Let's get outta this town!"
Thank you for coming to my TED TALK.

Now, more music stuff!... and other personal things.

Y/N's favorite singer is Jack Stauber. She thinks his music sounds like a drug trip and it's a m a z i n g. She also really likes MCR, Nirvana and another Mother. Kinda edgy, I know, but Y/N is almost the definition of Edgelord. She's proud of being edgy and a tomboy. I believe she also owns a white shirt that says "JESUS F*CK, THE EDGE" in a blood red color and a font that looks like blood splatter. Her dad hates it but it's her comfort shirt. She also has a bunch of different shirts that are of horror movies, bands, and different things like a tie-dye shirt that little alcohol bottles printed all over it and it's one of her favorite shirts. Also, no, she doesn't drink or do drugs. She just likes the aesthetic. Also, her favorite word to say is "no".

(A/N before we close off. I wanted to say that 1, I'm sorry this is taking so long and 2, I'm gonna start a new book about the different scenarios for this fanfic. So yes, I'm making a fanfic for a fanfic. Crazy, right? Anyway, have a great day!)

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