Chapter 4

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Jisoo's POV.

"What a waste of time." Jennie said when the movie ended.

"Totally." I agreed. "Screw rom-coms, I seriously don't know how they could be so bad."

"Yeah, half of the problems could be avoided if they just fucking talked to each other." Rosé said, put a chip into her mouth and took a sip of beer. Damn, I'm really envious of how she can eat anything she wants and still have this perfect figure. She could be a model for god's sake. I gulped, stopping myself from reaching for the bag of chips. No, I have to be strong, I'll lose this extra holiday weight even if I have to starve.

"Chu, you want some?" Rosé handed me the bag and I gave her my deadliest glare.

"Why don't you go get me an apple from the kitchen instead?" I asked.

"Oh, I forgot you're on a diet." she added innocently, but I bet she knew very well what she was doing. Damn, she could be really savage sometimes. And I kind of like it about her.

"Normally I'd tell you to go to hell, but today I'm happy, so I'll get it for you." She got up, did a little dance and went for the fruit.

"Why the good mood Rosie?" Jennie's eyes sparked with curiosity.

"I've got a date tomorrow." she was visibly pleased with herself.

"Really? You got a date on the first day already?" I asked.


"With who?"


"Wow, where are you taking her?"

"Actually, she's taking me out." she smiled mysteriously.

"Nice! How the hell did you get her to ask you out?" Jennie seemed impressed.

"I don't know..." Rosé mockingly imitated doing a sexy pose. "Must be my sex appeal."

"But Tzuyu is pretty hot..." Halfway through the sentence I realized how bad it must have sounded.

"Are you saying she's hotter than me?" Rosé faked being angry and threw the apple at me, fortunately I managed to catch it.

"No, that's not what I meant..."

"It's okay, she IS hotter than me." the blonde admitted and dropped on the couch.

No, she's not – I wanted to say but I bit my tongue. I didn't why Chae's confidence was infuriating me, no need to boost it even more. Suddenly I realized how quiet Lisa was. Damn, she's really shy, I hope we didn't scare her too much.

"Liz, how was your first day?" I asked to get her to talk.

"It was fine, we have some new first-year students in the dance club. And one of them is from Thailand, her name is Minnie. We had lunch together."

"Haha!" Rosé exclaimed and I laughed too. Jennie's eyes showed surprise.

"Holy shit, so it turns out Lisa beat us all, she had a date on the first day!" I yelled. "Way to go Lisa!"

"It's not like that, we went to lunch because she's Thai like me..." Lisa began to protest.

"Don't worry girl, we're just teasing you." Rosé calmed her. "Don't take everything so seriously. Anyway, should we continue our Netflix session? What should we watch next? Maybe a horror movie?"

"Fine, but don't ask me to cuddle you if you're too scared to sleep alone." I said playfully. God, I just don't understand why I like teasing her so much. It's so much fun.

"Pfft, you wish!"

"We'll see." I answered confidently and took a bite of the apple.

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