Chapter 36

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Jennie's POV.

It took us both some time before our emotions calmed down and we could talk normally.

"So what do you think about Jisoo and Rosé dating? I could tell from the beginning that sooner or later they would end up together."

"I thought so too. You know that they drive me insane by making out all the time. Like seriously, all the goddamn time."

"Yeah, I heard, someone even told me they can't even stop touching during lectures." I chuckled. "And imagine what will happen when they have the apartment to themselves. They'll probably not even going to eat, just have sex all day." My words made Lisa blush a little. Isn't she the cutest?

"By the way, do you know who you'll be living with once you move out tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but I already found someone who'll be a perfect roommate for me."

"Well, who is it?"

"I'll tell you later." she replied mysteriously. Why not tell me now? Strange. But I didn't insist.

"So are you sure you're alright?" Lisa asked for the tenth time today.

"Yes, don't worry." I looked at her soothingly, touched by her concern. We proceeded to discuss some irrelevant things, but we both knew that there was something much more important that we needed to talk about: our feelings. Lisa was the first one who had the courage to address this topic.

"Jen, for the last few days I've been thinking a lot and... to be honest it made me even more confused that I already was."

"Oh." I failed to hide my disappointment.

"But today, when I learned that you were taken to the hospital..." her voice broke and she looked at me with her big, vulnerable, emotional eyes. She didn't have to finish the sentence, I understood perfectly how she felt. My heart began to beat slightly faster.

"What I mean is..." she paused. "It made me realize something... I always thought that love is this big romantic thing that happens immediately between two people who meet. And maybe it's sometimes like that, but not always. Love can develop gradually if you give it a chance... I know that now."

"You do?"

"Yes. I realized that because even though I'm not in love with you, I..." she hesitated, visibly flustered. "I hope that one day I can be." she finished the sentence in a barely audible voice. I was so emotional that I got up from the bed and came over to her.

"I have feelings for you and I want to give us both a chance, a chance to find love." she continued with more courage, in a firmer voice. "Oh my god, I can't believe how corny that sounded." she smiled awkwardly.

"I think it was sweet." I looked her deep in the eyes and kissed her. Unlike our previous kisses when we were driven by sexual desire, this one was full of feelings. And it somehow made it even more amazing.

A moment later we were standing side by side, our arms around each other, looking out of the window.

"Not a very romantic view, is it?" I asked.

"Not really." she chuckled. "But I don't mind, I realized that I don't need a perfect romantic scenario to be able to find love." she hesitated for a moment. "One more thing, my new roommate, I'd love it if it was you."

"What, really?" I looked at her in surprise. "We're going out and you want us to be roommates? Wouldn't it be like living together? Don't you think it's a little too fast for us?"

"I don't know, maybe. But I'm not afraid of it, I mean we already shared a room... But it's entirely your decision." she looked at me impatiently. I hesitated for two seconds, but when I looked into her beautiful doe-like eyes I realized that there was nothing to think about.

"I'd love to live with you." I replied and both our faces were suddenly brightened by radiant smiles.

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