Chapter 28

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Lisa's POV.

What a shitty morning... I woke up with an unshakable feeling of guilt. I knew I did the right thing by telling Jennie her the truth: that I don't love her. But the guilt was still tormenting me inside. Rosé and Jisoo, perceptive as always, immediately noticed my bad mood. They both realized that something serious happened between me and Jennie and they were considerate enough not to ask questions. And on top of that, last evening Jennie texted me saying that she was staying at a friend for the night. Yeah, I had the bedroom all to myself but it still was the worst night that I spent here. But my morning was about to get even worse.

I barely had time to take a shower and fix my hair when Jennie came back. She looked calm, but kind of tired, as if something was constantly bothering her.

"Good morning girls." she greeted us. "Do you want to hear the good news? In a week the new dorm will be ready! So just seven more days and we won't have to share this apartment anymore!"

She obviously meant it as good news but somehow no one was very happy about it. Rosé and Jisoo were staring at each other quizzically, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Oh... that's... great." I said.

"Yeah... finally." Jisoo added, without even a hint of excitement.

"Lisa, I have something important to tell you." Jennie's words made Rosé and Jisoo glance at her curiously, so she quickly added:

"In private."

We went to the bedroom and I closed the door, my hands were shaking slightly.

"So..." she visibly didn't know how to start. "I was thinking that... because of our situation it would be better if I moved out for these seven days. I talked with Irene and I can stay in her room during this week, until the new dorm is finished."

"I understand." I whispered faintly, but she continued to give me her reasons anyway.

"Maybe if we don't see each other so often, I'll be able to get over you... and maybe after some time we'll be able to be friends again."

I nodded, feeling too weak to even speak.

"Are you all right?" she asked so compassionately that I decided to tell her the truth.

"It's just that... I feel really guilty..."

"No, Liz, don't!" She came over to me and caressed my shoulder encouragingly. "It's not your fault, okay? Telling me the truth was the right thing to do. I'll be fine, I just need some time to... recover. I promise I'll be fine, don't worry about me."

I nodded again.

"Listen, I have lectures in half an hour so I have to go, but in the evening I'll come for my stuff."

I must've been looking really sad because she added:

"Come on, Liz, it's not the end of the world, cheer up!" she tried her very best to produce a comforting smile but the result wasn't very cheerful. I couldn't smile either.

"See you later today." she said and left.

So she wants to stop seeing me for a time. Maybe it's for the best... but then why I'm hurting inside?

And she's staying in Irene's room... She recently broke up with Seulgi, so they'll be talking to each other a lot, comforting each other, supporting each other... Damn. I want to be the one supporting her! But I can't be... and I won't be.

I looked at Jennie's things lying around in the room and realized that in just several hours they will all be gone. Just like she'll be gone from my life. She says we can be friends after some time, but if we stop seeing each other, who knows what will happen. Maybe she'll find a new circle of friends and won't hang out with me at all.

Maybe it's the end for us as friends.

"It's for the best, it's for the best..." I kept repeating, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't convince myself to believe it.

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