Chapter 18

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Jisoo's POV.

"So what do you think will happen with them?" I asked Rosé when Lisa went back to her room.

"They've a crush on each other and they'll be sleeping in the same bed, there's only one thing that can happen."

"I'm not sure, Lisa seemed quite confused about it all."

"Oh, come on, they're going to do it and we both know it."

"Who do you think will top?" I asked and we both chuckled.

"Do you still want to watch that chick flick, because I'm sure I'll hate it. I'd really prefer an action movie."

"You won't hate it, you just like to always disagree with me about everything. You love to constantly get on my nerves." she said, a genuine annoyance in her voice.

"Hmm... really? I do that a lot?"

"Yes you do! All the time!"

"I'm sorry... I didn't know it bothered you this much... I don't know why I do that. But you can be pretty hard on me too, Chae."

"I know." she said quietly, looking down. "And it's not that it bothers me that much, I kind of like this game between us, it's fun. But we do it all the time and it's... tiring. Sometimes I'd just like to be... like normal friends, no teasing, no witty remarks, no bantering..."

"I agree. So, let's watch a movie like normal friends, no arguing."

"Okay." Rosé smiled with relief.

But I wasn't completely satisfied, I felt an irresistible need to say something nice to her.

"You should always wear your hair like that, you look great." I said, making her turn sharply and look at me in surprise.

"Wow, a compliment from Chu, I never expected this moment would come, are you sure you're not sick or something?"

"Are you teasing me again?"

"Oh, sorry. Damn it, I guess I just got used to it too much. What I really want to say is..." she paused, looking around awkwardly, avoiding my eyes.

"...that you can be really charming when you want to be."

We were watching the movie in silence and during one of the melancholic scenes Rosé put her head against my arm. Her head wasn't even on my shoulder, just next to it, but it still sparked inside me this agreeable, comfy feeling. Then a kissing scene came up and without knowing why I glanced at her and an electrifying shiver passed through my body. I realized she was looking at me too. Our eyes met and she didn't even turn away her gaze. While we were staring at each other, I could swear, I was hundred percent sure that we were both thinking about the same thing... about leaning forward towards each other's lips...

Then her phone rang. Damn it.

She jumped up and took the call, leaving me a bit dazed by what had almost happened.

"Hi...Thanks, to be honest I'm a little surprised you called." I could hear her talking nervously on the phone. "Tomorrow? Yes, I'm free... Great, I'm looking forward to see you too... Bye!" She hung up.

"Was it Tzuyu?"

"Yeah, she... asked me out for tomorrow evening." Rosé headed toward her room.

"You don't want to finish the movie?" I asked and she turned around.

"No, you were right, it's pretty boring, I'm going to sleep." she answered. And then she just stood there, looking at me pensively. A thousand thoughts passed through my mind during these several seconds of uneasy silence. Finally she turned around again, went inside her room and closed the door.

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