Chapter 25

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Lisa's POV.

I was glad I had lectures in the morning, I was able to sneak out early without having to talk to Jennie. I instinctively wanted to avoid that conversation, push it away in time, although I perfectly knew that sooner or later I'll have to do it.

Good thing that I have this presentation to worry about, at least it's something to occupy my mind. It starts in two minutes and the auditorium is already filling up. I feel quite confident, I prepared my slides well in advance and I liked the topic, so I'm sure everything will go well and I'll get a good grade.

"Ms. Manoban, you can start." The teacher invited me to the stage. I approached the computer, reached inside my bag and...

Do you know that sensation when the entire inside of your body feels like it's falling down? That's exactly what I experienced. Damn, damn, damn! I can't find my pendrive! I suddenly remembered how I emptied my bag on the nightstand to find my lipstick earlier this morning. I must've forgotten to put the pendrive back in the bag.

Well shit.

I guess it's not the end of the world, I can apologize and do the presentation some other time, the teacher should understand it, right? But still, it's pretty damn embarrassing. My cheeks reddened a little.

"Uhm, I'm sorry but..." I spoke to the microphone when I was interrupted by someone opening the door. Everyone looked to the side, where a small brunette was desperately trying to catch her breath.


She saw me, swiftly moved up the stage and handed me the pendrive.

"Good luck." she winked and went back down to the audience. I was so surprised that I didn't even thank her. Wait, is she really going to stay and watch? Indeed, she sat in the first row and waved at me encouragingly. That's so sweet. I silently mouthed "thank you" not even knowing if she saw it.

The presentation went perfect, as soon as I received my grade I went outside and looked around for Jennie. She was waiting just outside, casually leaned against the wall, looking at her phone. I approached her with a thankful smile.

"I saved your ass." she said smiling gleefully.

"Yeah, you really did. Did you run all the way here?"

"Pretty much. Fifteen minutes from our dorm to the auditorium, it must be some kind of a record."

I nodded. There wasn't even anything else to say, no need for "thank yous", because we understood each other without words.

Suddenly my eyes stopped at her amazing lips and I instantly remembered our kiss last night... I felt pleasant warmth inside me and I barely stopped myself from subconsciously licking my lips. How wrong would it be to kiss her now? Lisa stop! I shuddered, waking myself from the daydream.

"Come on, I'll buy you a coffee." I said and noticed how her expression slowly changed, a nervous frown was now clearly visible on her face.

"Alright, I'm actually glad that you suggested it because I wanted to talk to you about something important."

"Whoa, sounds serious." I tried to sound nonchalant, but her words made me nervous too.

"We need to talk about our... situation. Openly and honestly. Like adults. I'm sick and tired of all the drama, confusion and... sexual tension." We both blushed slightly. "We have to clear things up between us once and for all, are you ready for that?"

I nodded.

"Okay, let's do it." my voice was surprisingly faint.

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