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Naruto Uzumaki.
The care free crazy kid. If he's not pulling pranks he's pushing someone's buttons. A kid hated by ever villager, for something he had no control over. But that was in the past. He chose to forget about all that, and instead focus on his training.

Team 7 was walking around the town, deciding what they should have for lunch. Of course Naruto had started chanting 'Ramen', Sasuke had made a loud 'tch' noise, and Sakura started yelling at Naruto.

"Naruto-baka! All you eat is Ramen! It's not healthy! You look like a pig!" Naruto laughed it off, but it had kind of hurt him.
Did he really look like a pig? He brushed the insult off, instead talking to Kakashi. The two began discussing Kakashi's hardest challenges and funniest training moments. Their conversation ended when they arrived at the small restaurant. The group walked inside seeing a few of their friends. They joined their table and began ordering meat to cook.

Ino was throwing small insults at Choji, Shikamaru muttering about 'troublesome women'.

A lady walked by, smiling at the group's.
"What can I get for you guys?" She began writing down their orders. Naruto was about to order when he got a nasty glare from Sakura. He slowly shut his mouth, smiling back up at her.
"A water would be great."
The group looked quite confused he had been complaining for hours on end about how hungry he was.
"Naruto? Are you sure? You seemed quite hungry not to long ago."
Kakashi was the first to speak in the group.
Naruto nodded. "Now that I think about it, I'm not that hungry, I had a big breakfast."

The group slowly nodded, slowly going back to their conversations. The waitress made sure she had written everything before walking off. Naruto turned his head to see Sakura smirking.

'Atleast she's happy.'

He sighed watching everyone get their meat and begin cooking. Kiba had offered some to Naruto, even Shikamaru did, but Naruto politely declined. He was thinking about going on a diet anyways.

The group slowly desolved, each having to go home at different times, eventually Naruto amd Sakura were left. The two began packing their things, Naruto was about to leave when the said pink haired girl began talking.

"Look. Don't take this the wrong way. I'm just trying to help you. Losing weight is never bad. And it never will be. I know you're jealous about how I look, so if you want to be like me, do as I say."

The blonde looked at her quite confused. Sure she was quite fit, but he wasn't jealous of her. He was quite fit too. Atleast he thinks. He looked down at his stomach seeing a small bump. What he didnt know was that 'fat' on his stomach, was what was keeping his insides safe. That 'fat' is necessary for him to live. He looked back up at Sakura, slowly nodding.

She smiled back, "Good. Meet me at the bridge tomorrow morning at eight PM sharp. No sooner, no later. Otherwise...say bye bye to being skinny." She waved as she walked away, a huge smile on her face.

The normally happy ninja waved back, slowly looking back down at his stomach. Was it really that big that others were beggining to notice? Or had it always been big, but no one thought to tell him? So that they could all laugh at him behind his back. He wiped a small tear falling from his face, quickly running to his house.

He closed his apartment door, slowly walking to his bathroom. He opened up the door, revealing a small room containing a sink, a shower, a toilet, a mirror, and scale. He stepped inside, looking at the mirror, his hair was a mess as usual. And his outfit was an eyesore. He sighed slowly taking his jacket and shirt off. Revealing his quite fat (fit) torso. He pinched part of the skin, moving it. Quickly doing the same to another part, and another, and another, and so on. He slowly walked to his scale, now scared to step on it. He finally got both his feet on it, waiting for a number to appear.

He waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until the small numbers popped up.



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