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(Please let me know it you prefer Naruto's POV or 3rd person)

I moved my arm around, eventually hitting the alarm clock.
I got out of bed putting that treacherous orange jumpsuit on. I mean, atleast it did the job. I walked to the washroom beginning to brush my teeth and comb my hands through my hair. Damn, I had forgot to shower yesterday.
I sighed, throwing some water in my hair and running downstairs to the kitchen. The place was quite empty. I had a sink, a table, a fridge, and a little cupboard. I grabbed a pack of ramen before hesitantly putting it back into the wooden cabinet.

I didn't need to eat anything.

Sakura would be upset.

I hurried to the bridge, making it just as the town clock read eight.
I saw Sakura, smiling and waving to her as I walked over.
She glared shoving a few items into my arms.
I sat down setting them on the floor.
I felt a pain in my head, looking up Sakura pulled her arm back,
"Rule number one. Don't sit. All of your rolls will show that way. Besides it's better for you to stand."

I nodded standing up. I looked at the items laying on the ground.
A notebook, a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper with a lot of writing on it.

"Rule number two. Every day you will record your meals, snacks, and drinks. This will help you realize how much you eat. And help you with your diet." I looked at a the paper next to it, seeing a whole diet plan on it. I nodded as she spoke.

She shoved me aside, flipping the paper over.
"Rule number three. Everyday you will complete this workout. Otherwise you will gain weight, instead any energy from the diet plan will turn into fat. And add onto your.." she pointed at my stomach. "..little collection.." Sakura shrugged.

"If you follow this, you should be skinny in no time at all. Remember. This is to help you. It will be our little secret, okay? So don't go around telling everyone, otherwise they'll all start doing the plan aswell. Then you will still be the fatest. I'm sure even Choji would be fitter than you ever could be. So I would keep this on the downlow if I were you."

This definitely sounded sketchy to me. I shook my head, "Why can't I tell anyone? I don't have to give them the papers."
She sighed looking at me,
"Because so far, I'm the only one that realized the weight you've gained. And I want to help you before it's to late." By now I had gathered everything off the ground, holding it in my arms, "unless.." she spoke reaching forwards for the papers and book.
I jumped back, my grip tightening on the objects in my arms.
"NO! I'll do it! I will! I won't tell anyone! I swear! Just don't take it away!" She smiled after I finished talking.

"Good. Now get out of my face." She waved her hand dismissing me. I thanked her as I walked away, reading the excercises. I laughed reading the instructions.

This will be easy.

Boy. Have I ever been more wrong.

(Comments are really appreciated!♡)

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