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Everyone had gone to bed early, deciding to save their energy for the next day.

Naruto woke up earlier, due to nightmares. He sighed, walking outside of the tent, being careful not to wake anyone up. He gathered logs, starting a small fire. He rolled a few larger logs next to the fire, so everyone could have something to sit on when they came out.

He got bored staring at the flames, so he began to walk down to the river. He laughed trying to catch fish with his bare hands and hit pants rolled up. He had taken his sweater off, wearing his black mesh shirt underneath. Showing his light abs marks, though barely noticeable through the dark colour. His pants were a different colour, this time a dull greenish black, still bunch up above his knees.

He grinned with excitement as he pulled one out of the river. He laughed starting to run back to the camp. Fifteen minutes later the fish was cooked, and Naruto was ready to dig in. Before realizing this could have a lot of calories in it. He groaned resting his head in his hands as he sat on a log.

"Are you not going to eat that?" Sasuke spoke, walking towards Naruto. "You seemed to have spent a lot of time on it, did you get full just looking at it?" He smiled jokingly sitting next to Naruto.

"I already ate one."

"A full one? I know you've got an appetite..but wow." Sasuke grinned again.

"It was small teme." Naruto whined.

"Whatever you say boke." Sasuke sighed. "So? Why are you up so early? you're usually late."

"An annoying bird outside woke me up. It was screeching."

"You sure it wasn't Sakura have a fit?"

"At five in the moring? I doubt it. She won't wake up until at least six, she needs her 'beauty sleep' ." Naruto laughed as he spoke.

"Oh your right, I completely forget...so who's going to break tyh news to her?" He stared at Naruto.

"What news?"

"I mean who's going to tell her the beauty sleep isn't working for her." He smiled at Naruto, the blonde couldn't help but laugh his ass off.

He smiled turning to Sasuke, his eyes trailing down to the bandages showing on him. "Hey..I'm sorry about yesterday..I didn't think I would hurt you that bad." Sasuke shook his head, "It's fine..are you alright? Kakashi was supposed to scold me yesterday about it..using chidori on you, but he fell asleep early."

"I'm fine. Sakura already told me off." He scratched the back of his head. "Anyways..want some fish?"

The two sat and ate as the sun rose, each wondering why they had hated each other in the first place. They had a lot in common, and if they were being honest, they quite enjoyed each other's company. The boys ended up going for a walk, talking about their families, or what they remembered about them. They sat on the top of a rock at a near lake laughing and joking around.

"..what day is it today?" Sasuke was sprawled on the log with a questioning look on his face.

"Uh..october eighth. Why?" Naruto turned to his, sitting criss cross on the rock.

Sasuke moved up, laying with his elbows holding him up. "It's your birthday."


"We need to celebrate it"


"Yes we do. I haven't celebrated a birthday since I was a kid. Let's do it. We'll make a cake out of dirt and put stick in it for candles. Then we can do gifts when we get back to town."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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