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   I had gone shopping yesterday after taking with Sakura, I had gotten everything I needed for the diet. I had arrived home late last night and went to bee on bed on an empty stomach, not even realizing I hadn't eaten anything that day.

I woke up a little late this morning, quickly following the meal plan for breakfast. I ate fast, changing and making sure I was ready right after. I met team 7 on the bridge, I waved to the two as Sakura hit my head.

"Baka! Why are you late! You're lucky Kakashi isn't here before you!"

She screamed in my hear, startling me quite a bit. I looked up almost scared before grinning.

"Sorry Sakura-chan! I woke up late." She glared turning around and going back to having a one sided conversation with Sasuke.

About an hour later Kakashi arrived, telling us our plans. We were going on a camping trip with the other teams. Great.

(By other teams I mean, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Rock Lee, Neji, Ten Ten, Tamari, Gaara, )

I went home to pack making sure I had all the things Sakura had given me, instead of my usual clothes I brought the mesh top, a white t-shirt, and a long sleeved shirt for the colder days. I also brought some other random pants and my pj's. I grabbed a scroll packing all the food into it, I grabbed another scroll using a jutsu so when I checked it, it would show me my weight. I changed into a different light blue t-shirt, messing my hair up a bit, and slipping on some black pants. I made sure I had everything else I needed, before running to the huge gate.

Almost everyone was there, except for Ino's teams leader, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sakura, and Ten Ten. Sasuke and I looked at each other before both shrugging and walking to the same tree to sleep under. The rest of the people looked quite confused thinking we would be leaving soon. But knowing Kakashi we would have atleast an hour before he got here.

(Time skip 1 and a half hours later)

I was woken up by a hand punching my head (quite hard might I add) and knocking me over. I got up seeing the same person carefully waking up Sasuke. I sighed rubbing my head as the other teams all seemed worried. I got up smiling looking down at Sakura still struggling to wake up Sasuke. She mumbled some shit at me as I stood up, gently shaking the boy next to her.
I squatted down poking his face.

"Is he dead?"

This earned me another hit across my head from Sakura.
"Naruto-baka! Don't say that!"

I was a little confused, but didn't bother to say anything else.
I stared at Sasuke before looking at Sakura.

"I know how to wake him up."

She sighed, slowly giving up.

"Fine. But don't take to long. If you can't wake him up I'll get someone else too."

I nodded before moving in front of him. I raised my hand up slapping it across his face. I heard Sakura gasp, he had a beeeeeaaaautifullll already dark red hand print on his cheek. I got up laughing and began running down the trail. I heard a loud
"Naaaaaaarrrrrruuuuttttoooooooooooooooo" behind me as I ran. I began laughing harder, not realizing how fast I was actually running. I started slowing down as the footsteps behind me went silent. I reached a hand into my pocket, gripping one of my Kunais. I turned around seeing something bolt at me, the two of use fought for a while, both panting heavily as the rest of the team finally caught up.

I heard what sounded like crackling and looked back at Sasuke to see he had his Chidori out.

Like hell I was gonna pass this opportunity up.

I heard the rest of the teams yelling at us to stop. But like. He was willing to fight me. So I really couldn't pass this up. I ran back a bit laughing before using one hand to create Rasengan. Compared to how I used to do it, this was quite big. Like. 4 times biggers. I grinned at him, as he stared at the size of the blue orb in my hand. I could still hear everyone else yelling for us to stop, but I tuned that out of my head. Me and Sasuke ran at each other, his Chidori hitting my stomach and my Rasengan hitting his. We both were blown back, I hit a tree while Sasuke went through atleast twenty. I was quite happy with that. Not that he was hurt. Just how strong I've become. I heard a few screams, I got up looking down. I had a huge hole in my stomach. I made my way to Sasuke as quickly as I could. He was knocked out cold. I sighed slowly picking him up and walking to the teams. I set him down, looking over his injuries. Maybe..I could as Kurama to heal him..if that was even possible.

Kakashi hurried to Sasuke, everyone gathered around him. They were all freaking out. But what about me? I was hurt. I had a hole in my stomach. A huge hole. And no one cared. I took a few steps back, the pain finally kicking in. I fell to the ground landing on my bottom and I held my waist, it hurt. I don't usually get hurt or feel pain like this. But this hurt. I stared at the ground..and no one was going to help me. I felt the blood pouring out of me, still hearing Sakura blaming this on me. For encouraging him. She said he wouldnt be hurt if it werent for me. Great. Now everyone hates me aswell. Not that that's different than the usual. I saw a few shadows around me, I looked up to see a worried Hinata, a bored Shikamaru, and a concerned Neji. The three quickly kneeled down all trying to help me. I kept reassuring them I'm fine. Of course they didnt stop, I mean, I did have a hole in my stomach. Hinata used some medical creams she had, putting them on my minor cuts. The three left for a while to go grab some herbs.

But as soon as they came back the hole was gone.
Not really sure if I should thank Kurama or not for this one.
Now they wasted time on me.

They all looked confused, because last time they checked I had a huge empty space in the middle of me. I shrugged before speaking, "I guess you can use those for Sasuke now."
They all slowly nodded walking back to the big group.
All besides Shikamaru that is.

"I'm not stupid. I know you had a hole there. And I know it's impossible for something to heal that fast. Or atleast...was impossible. So tell me how in hell's name did you heal so fast."

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