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"Well..you see..uh..I-" I was interrupted by a hard hit to my head.

"NARUTO YOU FREAK! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT! SASUKE MIGHT DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!" She went to hit me again, but Kakashi held her back.

"Sakura..." he sighed. "Calm down. Sasuke will not die. You should be kinder to your teammates. Sasuke chose to fight with Naruto, he should have known there would be consequences." He pulled the crazy pink haired girl away.

I stood up feeling light headed. Sasuke was asleep, they said he would wake up either tonight or tomorrow morning. Everyone turned to me, some glaring others with worried expressions. Though, lots were confused. Gaara finally spoke up.

"Naruto. What happened to your wound?" Some people nodded.

Maybe they had noticed I was hurt...but they still went to Sasuke! So I should still be mad.


I sighed. It's to much work to be mad at them. "I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about." I laughed, beggining to walk to where we would be setting up camp.

Hours had passed, we made it to camp, setting up our tents. One for the boys, one for the girls. Though, everyone was hanging out in the sensei's tent right now. The male sensei's tents, (i forget the ladies name, sorry😭) insisted on bringing her own, which made sense. This tent was huge, everyone was in a circle, going around asking eachother questions. Like truth or dare, but only truths.

(Sasuke had woken up)

"Sakura. Who do you have a crush on?" Ino smirked as she asked the question. While the said crazy lady blushed.

"I-i-uh. That's not a fair question!" She screamed.

Ino rolled her eyes as Kakashi interrupted the two. "Naruto, why don't you tell us something about yourself."

"What would he tell us? We know everything about him! He's a stupid blonde!" Ino yelled. I couldn't help but laugh, she is more blonde than me after all.

I noticed Kakashi, Shikamaru and a few others laugh aswell. "For once Ino's right! Naruto is like an open book, we can all read him easily." Sakura added.

"If you know him so well, tell me, when is his birthday?" Kakashi smirked from under his mask.

"...." Sakura froze, before speaking, "why does it matter? C'mon! Why would I care when his birthday is? I don't even care about him! He doesn't benefit us at all!"

"And you do?" I snapped back.

"Honestly, all you do is scream and cling to Sasukes arm. You're holding him back, physically and mentally." I laughed. "You're actually retarded I swear. He obviously doesnt like you..no..he obviously hates you. And tell me, when you're not stalking Sasuke what do you do? You obviously don't train. So please, if you're so useful go ahead and tell me how you benefit us." I glared at her before realizing my mistake.

"I..I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I wasnt thinking, haha. Stupid me, right? That was such a dumb thing to say. I'm so sorry. "

As I looked around while I spoke, I realized why everyone was silent. Why no one had stopped me from speaking earlier. Because they all knew I was right.

Sakura began crying as she stood up. Wiping her eyes with her arm, "WELL ATLEAST IM NOT A STUPID ANOREXIC FREAK!" She screamed as she ran out of the tent, probably back to hers.

Shikimarus leader sighed standing up, "I'll go talk to her, all of you continue on with this." They waved walking out.

"Alright then..actually Naruto. When is your birthday?" Neji looked at me.

"Oh it's October tenth" I smiled, everyone nodded.

"And what did Sakura mean..anorexic freak?" Ten ten turned towards me.

"Im sure she was just spewing out words." Kakashi spoke.

I heard Sasuke groan, "Can we stop talking about Naruto? I can feel myself turning blonde the more we say his name."

I heard a few laugh, including Sasuke and I. Though it may have sounded a little rude, it was a joke, or the closest thing we could get to a joke from Sasuke.

"OH OH I GOT A GOOD QUESTION!" Choji grinned.

"Who's everyones best friend!" He beamed with happiness. I'm not quite sure why though, he may have just wanted someone to say his name.

Gaara pointed to the other two sand siblings, while they pointed at him.

Tenten pointed at Neji, who pointed at her and Rock Lee.

Rock Lee pointed at Ten Ten, Neji, and Guy.

Guy pointed at Kakashi, and Rock Lee.

Ino kept her hands down not knowing who to point to.

Choji pointed at Shikamaru, who hand his hands pointing at Choji and Naruto.

"Wait. Shikamaru. You consider me one of your best friends?" Naruto spoke, overjoyed with happiness.

He "tched" but everyone knew that was a yes.

Naruto had already had his hand pointed at Shikamaru. They all smiled seeing who was pointing at who. But what no one seemed to notice, was Narutos left hand on the ground, along with Sasukes right hand, had both had a finger extended towards eachother.

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