The day of

14 0 7

We all woke up at around 4:00am got dressed and ordered an Uber pool to pick us all up from our homes and take us to the airport. We arrived at around 5:00am at the airport.

At the airport Surgerina and Spacina were very sleepy they slept in the car and after backage check and everything it was about 6:30am and they passed out on the table we sat at. It was just Angstina, Chloina and I (Oinkina) still awake at the airport waiting on our plane.

We started chatting about how excited we were to leave home and all move in together and high school memories; it felt very nostalgic.

The three of us started to get hungry so we started eating the snacks we bought before because airport snacks are eXpEnSivE and we don't have that kind of money because we're bRokE qUiRkY pErKyS.

A few hours later

Our plane was finally arriving at 8:00am so after taking a few funny photos of Surgina and Spacina sleeping we decided we were going to prank them so we frantically woke them up from their pHaT nAp telling them wE mIssEd oUr fLiGhT !while Chloina was recording the whole thing; you should've seen their faces they jumped up faster then the speed of light. When they noticed Chloina filming and heard us hysterically laughing they knew it was a prank. We told them the truth that our plane had actually just arrived and we needed to go lineup with the rest of the people.

Authors note: Come back later to find out what happened on the plane ;)
Thanks for reading! :D

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