Chapter 3- Party Talk

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Chapter 3

Anabella heard someone from behind her and turned around to see a girl, she knew this girl went to school with them. She had seen her a few times in the hallway. " Hi," Anabella said casually.

" I'm Jen," the girl said to her.

"Ana," she replied.

"Must have been a great reason to be late," Jen said.

She raised an eyebrow at Jen," Okay hall monitor. Need a pass from me or something?" she giggled.

"No I just understand," she said, "Jordan and I are late a lot too."

" Well yeah my boyfriend needed something," Anabella shrugged easily," It happens."

"I get it! We're all trying really hard! Kim's just fertile," Jen whispered.

"Excuse me?" Anabella asked quietly looking at Jennifer," If you're going to gossip you might want to get to know Kim first. She's my best friend, their condom broke. She wasn't trying to do anything." Anabella turned back around to face the front, wondering who this girl was. And what made her think that girls were TRYING to get pregnant.

"Sorry," Jen said softly and sank back into her seat. Jordan and her wanted a family. They've been trying so hard.

Anabella hoped this girl wouldn't go flapping her mouth about trying to get pregnant, if the boys even thought for one second the girls were trying to get pregnant and trap them, than they'd be gone faster than lightening.

She was silent the rest of class and hurried out before Ana could give her a warning.

Anabella left the class room and saw Kim holding Donnie's hand and walked up to them," Some girl in my History class is talking shit about you. Saying you're fertile , and all the girls are trying to get pregnant," She whispered to Kim, so Donnie couldn't hear it.

"Okay, who is she?" Kim asked.

"Jordan's girlfriend apparently," Ana said.

"Oh Jennifer! Yea everyone already thinks she's crazy! Jordan's only with her cuz she's kinda hot!" Kim shrugged.

"Well I don't need her chasing off my boyfriend," Ana said to her best friend.

" Relax. Jennifer is probably the one trying to pin Jordan down for life on purpose," Kim assured her.

" What about Jordan?" Donnie asked them, having caught his friend's name. They started walking the hall towards their next classes.

"His crazy girlfriend talking weird shit!" Kim shrugged.

"Awe come on.Jen's not that bad, is she?" Donnie asked, his arm around Kim's shoulders as the three of them walked down the hall.

"She's telling people jordan wants to stay here in Boston area, that he doesn't wanna go to college in LA like he keeps saying!" Kim lied.

"Well alright maybe it's just wishful thinking. Like if she says it out loud he will stay here in Boston," Donnie shrugged.

" D, you haven't heard this girl. She acts like Jordan is going to marry her already. I heard her telling Maggie's sister, Amelia that she already had a house picked out for after graduation," Kim said.

" So maybe her parents are renting her a house while she goes to school," Donnie said.

"I dunno but she's trying to tie him down. He's not that type of guy! He has plans!" Kim said.

"Who's girlfriend are you?" Donnie laughed," Mine or his. You're awful protective of Jordan. I had plans too," he reminded quietly.

"I know I'm sorry Donnie!" She said, kissing him.

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