Chapter 39: Seeing Jennifer

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Chapter 39


Donnie had moved into his new apartment with Kim. They had turned the third room into a bedroom for Briar, and they had set up a baby bassinette for the unborn baby in the master bedroom to sleep near them. CPS was going to come and look at the apartment before allowing Donnie to move Briar in, but everything was looking good. They had baby proofed the place for the new one coming, and just regular safety measures. Should be an easy approval.

Donnie was in the kitchen, making sandwiches, while Kim was sleeping. They had a doctor's appointment later today and then he had to be at work. He spread mustard on a slice of bread, he was going to leave a sandwich made for Kim for when she woke up. She would be hungry by then.

He made sure to pack his own lunch as well, she was trying to stay healthy for baby so he promised he'd stick with it just as much, as a show of support. He already tried to stay pretty healthy, but he was making a bigger effort for her.

Kim woke up and came out of the bedroom to find him making the sandwiches in the kitchen," Hey D," she said as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Hey babe..." he smiled, "I am making lunch for us."

"Awe D, you're so cute! I love you," Kim said with a smile. She had never been so happy, she wanted to be this happy always. " I was going to see if Ana wanted to hang out today maybe, while you were at work."

" Oh I'm sure she'd like that," he said with a smile, as he built the sandwich and put it on a plate. He grabbed some carrot sticks from the fridge putting some on her plate.

"Thanks, babe," she smiled as he slid it over to her after he finished plating.

"Do you want some milk to drink?" he asked her.

"Yes please," she smiled.

Donnie went to the fridge, grabbing a carton of milk. He shut the fridge and grabbed a glass, and poured some milk into it. He finished, closing the carton and putting it back before he handed Kim the glass of milk. " So did you ever decide what names you liked?" he asked her.

"I have a few in my head but haven't decided, figured we should decide together," she said.

" I'll go with whatever you like Baby. It's in your stomach for nine months, not mine," he said.

"But it's OUR baby, you didn't get to name your first child, you deserve to have a part in naming this one," she said.

He smiled," You're amazing Baby. Tell me what names you like and we can talk about them," he suggested.

"Well I like Sophia, Olivia, and charlotte for girls, I like Oliver, Liam, and Wyatt for a boys name," she shrugged.

" I like Olivia a lot," he said with a smile to her," If it's a boy Oliver."

"Okay, those are cute, lots of nickname opportunities for them," she smiled.

"Great! Names are chosen then," he agreed. He was glad they would have a name for their little one now.

"We just have to wait and see which one comes out, Olivia or Oliver.." she smiled.

" I'd be happy with either a girl or a boy," he told her," I just want him or her to be healthy."

"And so far he or she is," she smiled.

"I'm glad," he said to her softly. She smiled, glad that they were doing this together. She took her plate and went to sit at the table to eat, Donnie brought her glass of milk over.


Jordan was hanging out with Katie and Jon, at the diner. Grace and Joe were waiting tables for that shift. Joe walked over to their table," Hey guys, what can I get for you?" he asked them.

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