Chapter 13 - Pride and Indifference

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Maren sat in a corner of the room, sipping tea quietly.

While Gaara, Chiyo-sama, Yura and few other Suna council members were locked in a heated discussion.

"Chiyo-sama, announcing Maren-sama's identity to the village is not a good idea." Suzuki Mao stated. His voice had a hint of desperation. "Given how fragile Suna's situation is, it won't go well."

One thing Maren had realized since her rebirth was her near-obsession with image. On the inside, she felt like screaming her identity to the village and demand them to treat her like royalty.

In her past life, she was more than satisfied with a peaceful life. But now, she could never stop herself from repaying debts. She wondered if it was because of the Original Maren's lingering hatred.

Yura, who considered Maren a god-sent blessing, couldn't understand how the council could decide not to celebrate the one who brought them such benefits. "Suzuki-san wasn't there during the negotiation...but the reason we have the necessary funding is because of Maren-sama."

Chiyo-sama didn't speak in her favor or against her.

The two other council members seated with Suzuki didn't seem convinced about having the youngest Ambassador in history.

"Maren-san, what do you suggest?" Gaara asked softly. 

Slightly rough but clearly a soft, gently voice. Maren wished she could have seen the old Gaara as well...but the current Gaara was so ideal, it would be hard to make him a protagonist.

But he was certainly the best choice to be a Kazekage in such troubled times. He seemed to be effortlessly good at peacemaking.

"If the title of Ambassador is the issue, then why not make the title Kazekage's secretary? Even if I send letters to Honourable Father, it will only count as the Kazekage sending a letter to the Wind Daimyo."


"If you are worried about me having unchecked powers, then I have no qualms to having my decisions authorized by the Kazekage-sama. I'll take the responsibility while the authority lies with Kazekage-sama."

'With Authority comes even if unofficially the responsibility is mine, if anything goes wrong, the one it will fall on - is Gaara. ' 

When a company performs poorly, the first one to be blamed is the Director and CEO - not the employees.

'But will the people(of Narutoverse) realize the most basic principle of management?'

Chiyo-sama seemed lost in thought, but later nodded her head slightly in acceptance. Following Chiyo-sama, the three members of the council agreed without further disagreement.

"I understand. Maren-san, I thank you on behalf of Sunagakure. As a dear friend of mine would say, trusting others is the first step towards a friendship beyond personal interests. Though your status may be above ours, I hope we can be good friends."

That probably a polished version of what Naruto would say.

"The pleasure is mine. Though an Ambassador, my goal is to develop the village. I hope you can find a good friend in me."

Shaking hands on amiable terms, the meeting hopefully came to a good end.

With this, Maren could openly participate in Suna council meetings. Only the top-tier members knew of her true identity. As for the was Chiyo-sama and Gaara's decision who they choose as a secretary.

Everyone else had left the room, including Gaara who had left to complete his paperwork. 

However, Chiyo-sama stood still in a corner, quietly watching Maren's actions.   

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