Chapter 14 - Just Maren

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How would it feel if the shortest of anime characters were towering over you?

That was exactly what Maren felt like when she worked with the Sand Siblings. 

During the Shippudden era, they were easily 15+ while she was in the genin age group. With her short dress and height, it was inevitable that she would be seen more as a little sister following her brother rather than a secretary following the Kazekage.

With her new designation, she would spend more time with Gaara in the workspace than Kankuro and Temari.

Temari was now the head of the Wind Blade Division - a division that was a rapid-response team to deal with attacks. Ever since the Kazekage kidnapping, some minor clans and families within the village seemed to think that Suna was weak enough to topple to guerrilla attacks. This forced her and her newly formed team to start developing into an attack force that reports directly to the Kazekage. 

As for Kankuro, even if his poison was nullified, Sasori suggested that Kankuro stay back and build up resistance to poison. Poison and Puppet techniques apparently go well together and Sasori was slightly interested in training the boy with the most potential in puppeteering as his successor. 

There were a few days before Maren would officially start her duties as Gaara's secretary so Temari and Kankuro spent every free time they had drilling about how to best support Gaara.

"As Gaara's secretary, you need to remember his schedule." Kankuro began to explain Maren's 'job' in detail. They used to serve as Gaara's secretary and guard, so explained work clearly.

"...and you will also need to point out to him who the visitor is."

Who is the visitor? Is this like a secretary tipping her boss on who-is-who and their latest developments, so they can make easy conversations at social gatherings?

"Why? Does he forget names?"

Unlike the corporate world, it wasn't too complicated. There were 7 members at the top of the Suna Council three of whom Gaara already knew extremely well (himself, Chiyo-sama and Ebizo-sama), 20 mid-tier council members and 20 lowest-level members which consisted of the remaining jonin members of the village.

Remembering 45 people...surely it couldn't be too hard?

"He..." Kankuro began but hesitated.

"Tell her already! It will be more troublesome if she is unaware" Temari urged him on.

"Rather than 'forget' names, it's more like he cannot tell faces apart. Apart from a very few people, he cannot bring himself to meet their gaze." Kankuro spoke rapidly. As if he wanted to quickly get this discussion over with.

Maren did not expecting the 'ideal Kazekage' to have such an issue but then, it really wasn't much of a deal considering that there are some people have trouble committing names to faces. 

"Okay, so basically as I secretary, I need to be aware of his schedule and tip him about who is coming up to talk to him? That's easy enough."

* * * * *

After about 2 days of grilling on what constitutes a secretary's work, Maren was allowed to read the village documents in peace.

Of all the things she found out, there was one point that intrigued her. 'Sunagakure is been made up of various families, instead of clans'

A concept that was pretty novel. It explained why the Suna characters didn't have surnames. It was just Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Chiyo, Ebizo etc. There was no family name attached behind. There was only one name.

Of course, there were rare exceptions like Yura, whose's clan name was Takamura. The Takamura were formerly a minor clan in the dessert who were experts in training eagles in espionage. But due to lack of resources, they were forced to join Sunagakure. But even then in the village, he was called just Yura.

Going by that theory and to hide Maren's true identity, her official Suna documentation had just 'Maren' on it. No Kurosawa. 

 'Was weak by birth and was raised by Chiyo-sama. A beginner at Puppeteering.' Sasori stared blankly at Maren's created profile. Chiyo-sama had made a complete background story that could withstand an interrogation.'Parents killed at a young age, huh?'

Maren stopped reading the documents and turned to look at Sasori.

For someone who actually lost their parents, it would be insulting to see someone use this as an excuse for hiding background.

"Does that setting bother you?"

"No, it doesn't in the least" Sasori spoke in his usual cold voice and his puppet face as expected, didn't have any emotions.

"Well, if it is any consolation, I have never actually experienced the warmth of a parent. My mother didn't stay too long in this world and while she was there, she wasn't a pleasant person. As for my father...he ignored his daughter getting killed and only began showing interest after she showed him potential."

"I didn't ask you to console me." Sasori said and went back to working on his weapon arm.

'In my previous life, I took my parents for granted...and in this life, I don't have decent ones. Dropping my family truly makes one feel as if there is no family to rely on.'

She wasn't the original Maren of Narutoverse so naturally that girl's family didn't count as her's. And even if it did, she would rather die than consider her step-mother and the twin devils as family.

As for the Daimyo...they might as well be strangers.

" Maren. Not Kurosawa Maren. Just Maren."

Sasori didn't answer anything but Maren saw him very casually tap his heart. When she concentrated on her chakra point, she could see the light green chakra strings from her fingertips that connected to Sasori's heart.

'No way, Sasori couldn't have done that intentionally.' Maren mused. 

But the strings reminded her that she wasn't completely alone.

She did have a puppet with a living heart on her side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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