Chapter 1

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Ashton's POV

"What the fuck?"

"Boss, I'm sorry. We couldn't d--"

"I gave you strict orders. Do you know how much money you just cost me?"

"It wasn't our fau--"

"Oh, you couldn't fight off a few people? We are the fucking Mafia. You are lucky your dad is still alive or else I would have kicked you out a long ass time ago. Now leave. And go fix your mistake or I swear to god I will kill you right this instant."

I am fuming as I watch Devin leave, slamming the door behind him. My blood is pumping rapidly throughout my body, with my eyes narrowed ready to go in for the kill.

Even with this being a regular side of me that everyone sees, no one enjoys the wrath I bring upon them. With just one order, I can have anyone killed in an instant. With just one look, I can make someone have nightmares for the rest of their life.

For I am the devil reincarnated. I show nothing but anger and dominance. Without me, the Mafia wouldn't be here.

I was the only son. My mom left once she gave birth, leaving me all up to my dad. This has been handed down through generations and generations, and I was chosen as the fucking person to run this shithole.

From birth, I was sworn to omertá. I saw shit no one should ever see as a child. But I saw it. I saw the reality of my life. From day one I was born into this, and I cannot possibly fathom the possibility of leaving all this behind.

My father was a cruel man but I am crueler. Since I grew up hanging with the gang, I got to see how he ran the business. I learned from him. The only fallacy is this: I do not run things like my father. He was kinder, more lenient. He was able to trust his people--I don't. If one person did something wrong he would only do a very minimal punishment--I prefer the latter.

The minute I enter a room, everyone is silent. That is how powerful I am. I can make even the most dangerous criminals quiver in fear.

And yet, with my reputation, one person cannot get a fucking shipment correct. 

Sometimes I feel like I am their babysitter, much like how they were to me 23 years ago. Some gang members have known me since I was a child, being there for me when my father was not around. How crazy is that?

And you would think after being in the mafia for a hundred years they would understand how to properly execute a shipment.

I shake my head at the thought. Do I have to do everything myself? Maybe it's time to threaten their lives again. That always seems to do the trick.

I can hear Devon faintly yelling downstairs, probably at the younger members who messed up their roles. I smirk slightly at the thought.

Devon was only a few years older than me, he also grew up in this shit place. We were good friends until my father died and that's when everything changed. I had to get down to business and stop focusing on my personal relationships and more on the business. If I had to choose a second in command it would be Devon, in fact, he practically is. He takes care of business when I am away discussing alliances with other mobs.

The only person I trust.

The yelling gets louder and soon there is a commotion downstairs. Do I have to solve every problem?

Before I twist the nob to my door I smooth my suit, making it crisp. Making my way downstairs, it seems as if no one notices me as they are all focused on the scene in front of me. Devon and three other gang members that I barely recognize are all screaming at each other. I can barely make a word out. Can a guy not get some peace and quiet around here?

I watch the scene for a few seconds but soon I have enough of it. "Quiet," My dominating voice cuts through the air like a knife. Instantly, everyone's heads turn and their demeanors change. Everyone suddenly becomes more alert, with worry flashing their eyes. But I don't care. My eyes are glaring at the four people in front of me.

"Boss..." Devon drags on not knowing what to say.

My eyes are instantly trained on him, "Tell me why you guys are yelling like deranged roosters".

His jaw clenches but he knows that he has to tell the truth to me. "Ray messed up the shipment," he states taking a pause. "He broke omertá."

The room was completely silent.

"Very well, then you know the punishment," my voice is dripping with venom.

No one breaks omertá. It's the code of silence. Everyone swears by it the instant they join the mafia. If the police or another mob wants to get answers, the person swears by omertá, meaning they will never give away any information. Never.

Devon nods knowingly, "It was a Russian mob member."

They are in town. How peachy.

I look around at the other members of my gang, all staring at me. "No one breaks omertá. Ever. Death is the punishment," I say looking at Devon as he understands my signal to bring Devon down to the cellars, "Get back to work. Looks like we have some new friends in town."

Everyone is still completely silent as Devon grabs Ray and brings him to the basement.

I turn to leave the room and no one has yet to make a move. "That means now," my voice commands booming through the room. Soon everyone goes back to their seats talking about future plans that are set in place.

Without me, this place would be in shambles. And if that means killing a few people here and there, that is fine with me.

I make my way back to my office thinking about the Russian mob.

I am cruel.

I am dangerous.

Hello, my name is Ashton Accardi, and I am the leader of the Italian Mafia.


Hey guys :)

I know this chapter was short, but I am now just beginning to introduce the characters. Believe me, the sexy scenes you came here for are beginning soon ;). I have already written them.

Thank you for reading this novel, and I hope you are having a great day.


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