love and protect (f/a)

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In which Y/N and Harry have a big fight and Y/N has trauma - wc: 2,800+

TW: mentions of domestic violence 

Prior to entering a relationship with Harry, you had been in an abusive relationship. Your last boyfriend was manipulative, toxic, as well as emotionally and physically abusive towards you. It had left a hole in you that made you feel empty and worthless. When you met Harry and realized you both were attracted to one another, it made you more aware - and possibly more afraid - of your past. But you dove into the relationship anyway. You never told Harry about your ex, a lame attempt at "let the past be the past," and to you it wasn't necessary to, as Harry constantly promised to protect and love you. And while he would never be able to fully fill that hole left in your heart, he was able to patch it as best as he could.

Until tonight, when it seemed Harry would be the one to rip those patches off himself.

You moved in with Harry after dating for about 6 months. It was earlier than you would have normally committed to, but as often as he was gone - traveling for tour, interviews, award shows, whatever it may be - he felt more comfortable knowing you were safe in his gated home, compared to the small apartment you resided in prior.

One thing that had been a difficult adjustment for you was being alone in a house so big, compared to your apartment it made you aware of how alone you truly were when he was gone. This is why on nights that he was running late from the studio, a meeting, or decided to go out for drinks afterwards, you couldn't help but feel annoyed because he brought you here just to leave you alone all the time. But you didn't say anything, you knew how important his career was and you valued his work, and never wanted to make him feel guilty for it. In the beginning it wasn't an issue. He was so eager to race home to you each night, he made sure to end right on time. It started getting worse after the first couple months, which was also due in part to the progression of his next album picking up after some pressure from the record label. You understood though - you always did. However, once the album was finished, he started rehearsing for his next tour, which wasn't set to start for another 6 months. Rehearsals, conveniently never ran late, but it seemed like every other night Harry would go out with his band after they were done.

Tonight was the breaking point for you. Almost a year of living with Harry, it took this long - if you were nothing else, you were patient. You had cuddled in bed that morning with him, dreading when he would inevitably have to leave. He had been the one to propose the idea - a nice night in, a home cooked meal, I'll pick up your favorite wine, he had offered. You were over the moon. But when dinner was finished and no sign of Harry, you felt the familiar disappointment sinking in.

You only sent him one text, heading home soon? dinner's almost ready!

He didn't reply, except for 3 hours later with a simple yeah.

3 hours late, no communication, and all you get is a "yeah"?

Harry didn't seem too remorseful as he walked in the door at 9pm. You were sat on the couch, legs tucked underneath you in silence. The TV wasn't on, no music - just you and your horrible thoughts.

"Hi, love," he greeted you, a quick kiss to the top of your head as he walked by. You smelt alcohol on him faintly - what kind, you weren't sure, but the whiff of it was strong suggesting he didn't just have a beer.

You were waiting for him to initiate it - an apology, an excuse, literally anything. But it never came.

"Harry?" you called, turning to see him getting a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Hmm?" he didn't look up from the sink.

"Where were you tonight?"

A pause. Then finally:

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