number one priority (a/f/d/p)

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In which Harry can't seem to get away and your fighting wakes up your daughter - wc: 2,500+

The day had started off beautiful, it was a day off for Harry, something he didn't get often anymore due to the high speed nature of his career. You didn't mind, however. You had grown used to this lifestyle, and accepted it largely at this point. Things changed when you got married, and when you fell pregnant with your first baby he had to put things on pause for a few months after your baby girl was born. She was 3 years old now, and eagerly awaited the arrival of her baby brother, who currently rested in your womb at 6 months.

Harry was in the midst of working on his next album, which he could delay as long as he wanted for you and the baby once he arrived - or at least that's what he told you.

Waking up in the morning to find that Harry's arms were still wrapped around you brought a pleasant smile to your lips. He normally was up and moving about before the sun had even peeked over the horizon, so finding him still here with you this late in the morning as beams of sunlight danced off his tan skin wasn't common - so you treasured the moment.

Your daughter was still sound asleep as you and Harry began moving around your home, cooking breakfast for your small, but growing, family. Pancakes to be specific, a small batter set aside with chocolate chips thrown in for just your daughter to enjoy. Harry wasn't big on giving her sweets, especially for breakfast. And pancakes, he thought, were bad enough as is, however on this particularly pleasant day he suggested mixing in chocolate chips - the way your daughter liked them. This was where things took a turn.

His hands stayed firm on your waist, pressing soft kisses to your neck from behind you. You continued cooking the pancakes on the stove top. Sweet laughter filled the kitchen, only to be disrupted by a cell phone ringing. Harry's phone.

He glanced at the screen of the small device sitting on the counter, grabbing it without hesitation. He paused, glancing back to you with a look that said I'm sorry, it's important.

You didn't say anything, going back to flipping a pancake over, keeping your back turned to him.

He left the room to answer the call, but you still caught his greeting, "Hey, Jeff!"

Something about it ignited a small fire in your head - a complete 180 from the pleasant moment you were having not 10 seconds prior. His one day off, one fucking day off and he answers a call from his manager. You were mumbling curses at Harry and Jeff under your breath as you continued about the kitchen.

He returned, silent, but watching you with caution. You were plating the pancakes to serve for breakfast.

"What did Jeff want?" it came out much more aggressive than you intend, but you don't apologize.

"Uhm, I'm really sorry to do this lovie, but we had to move a meeting up from next week to today. Couple o'my producers are flying out of town next week and won't be able to make it."

You look at the man standing in front of you, your husband, father of your children. He wore grey joggers that hung loosely on his hips. No shirt, although you never minded - you loved admiring his tattoos. Normally in this state, you would find him irresistible and loving. If not for the toddler running around your home and your basketball of a belly being a constant cock block, moments when he looked like this gave you a deep longing for him, his touch. To be loved by Harry is something you could never describe, but to feel his love for you under the privacy of your sheets was something entirely different.

Not today.

Maybe it was the hormones from your raging pregnancy, maybe it was the lack of food in your belly making you hangry, or maybe it was the fact that your husband fucked up big time - but he was repulsive to you right now.

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