single (d/f)

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In which Y/N is a single mom and Harry is really good with kids wc: 1,900+

"I'm so sorry, H. Trust me, I feel like shit, really." You were on the verge of crying, but the last thing you wanted was for him to know that.

"Love, none o'that, alright? I understand, completely. Don't apologize."

You loved your daughter, you really did. And you loved being her mom, but sometimes you forgot how hard it was to live your life while being her mom. Like tonight - Harry had planned a special dinner date to celebrate 6 months of dating, and your 6-year-old daughter had fallen seriously ill during the day. This prompted you having to leave work early that day to retrieve her from her school - so now you felt guilty for cancelling on Harry, were worried about your daughter, and very stressed over the amount of work you had missed.

"Okay, I know, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"Fuck, I'm worried about her, and I just feel so overwhelmed tonight and I just feel so bad for cancelling, H." Your speech came out in a single breath, words rambling over one another.

"Do you want me to come over?" Harry offered.

You sniffled, wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. You were about to protest his offer, insisting it was unnecessary and that you were just emotional - but he cut you off before you could reply.

"Actually, don't answer that - I'm picking up food for us all and I'll head right over."

Harry had never met your daughter, although he really wanted to - and the thought that tonight would be the night made you sick with anxiety. It was never intentional that he hadn't met your daughter, it was purely timing - he had met your babysitter plenty of times, but your daughter was usually in bed asleep when Harry would drop you off at your house.

"How y'feeling, bug?" you asked, leaning against her door frame.

"I'm okay," she shrugged, a small cough forcing its way out of her chest. "M'hungry, and my throat hurts."

"I know love, but Harry's coming over with dinner," you spoke softly, gauging her reaction.

"Harry?" Her voice, once dramatic with sorrow and illness, was now eager and enthusiastic.

"Yeah," you chuckled, stepping farther into the room, "He's on his way now. Best behavior, promise?"

She nodded, holding her arms out to you, "I promise! Can we go to the couch?"

You rolled your eyes, but picked her up anyways. "Last I checked, your legs still worked," you laughed. "You're lucky I love you."

You had text Harry that the door was unlocked - and he could let himself in when he arrived. Your daughter's head popped up from your lap at the sound of the front door opening.

"Y/N?" Harry's voice echoed.

"In the living room!" you called back.

Harry stepped into the room, holding a bag of Chinese take-out.

"Hi, love," he breathed out. You smiled fondly at him, your heart beating out of your chest at the sight of him. His eyes fell to your daughter, smiling at her brightly, "Hi bug."

Your heart swelled at the nickname for her - one he had heard you call her a million times.

She clambered off your lap, introducing herself as Harry neared the couch, kneeling down in front of her.

He smiled, "Nice to meet you finally, I'm Harry."

She threw her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back, sending you a deep smile.

harry styles // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now