pet names (f/s)

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In which Harry loves to use pet names wc: 1,400+ (headcannon style)

Y/N: simply your name.

Harry calls you this most often when talking about you. He'll be with his friends or family and they ask what he's been up to, and he'll fill them in on your life together. Or when he's telling a story about you, his friends will notice how his face lights up and he fights back a smile at the drop of your name from his own lips.

When he's with you, this name comes out in more intimate moments. Around the house, to draw your attention to something funny he wants to show you on his phone. Or in bed while he's buried inside you, whimpers and moans of your name falling from his lips while he's underneath you. Some moments aren't as special as this - like when you fight. He'll use your name to show his frustration during an argument, his voice sturdy and stern as he speaks to you. It's in these moments you hate the way your name rolls off his tongue, riddled with emotion and frustration - belittling you as he speaks. However, when the fight has passed and you both have plenty of making up to do, he slips into the softer names he has for you.

Darling/Darlin': your favorite name.

"Darling" reminds you only of good memories with Harry. The scrapbook moments of your relationship, feelings you wish you could store in jars so you can experience it again when he's away traveling.

After a fight, when you're both making up to each other, he'll hold you tight against him, pressing lingering kisses to the top of your head, whispering promises and apologies in your ear. "M'so sorry, darling." You'll tell him it's okay, and that you're sorry, too, but he'll continue his rambled apologies for the rest of the night.

In the morning, when he rolls over to greet you, the name will slip off his name along with a mumbled G'mornin' and a soft kiss. The name will fall from his mouth a few more times before either of you leave the bed, wanting to enjoy the lingering kisses just a bit longer.

Harry knows how much you love it when he calls you darling, so he's slipped it into his daily vocabulary rather effortlessly. It would come out in the most domestic moments. In the kitchen, when you cooked together, darling can you hand me that plate? He called you darling around your family and his, and everyone always found it so endearing of him.

Your name on his phone read simply darling and it brought a smile to his lips every time you called.

The only other name he called you as often as darling, was love.

Love: the most casual and most used.

This was Harry's favorite, and he used it the most often. You would joke with him that if you spent too much time around him you would forget your own name, he used it so often.

This was the most casual name, and he used it generally when addressing you.

Watching TV in the living room, he would turn to you, "Do you want to watch another episode, love?"

Before you went to bed, he would whisper softly to you, "G'night, love." And in the mornings when you woke, if Harry was already awake you would find him downstairs, nursing a cup of coffee while he prepared breakfast for you both, "Morning, love. Breakfast is almost ready."

Some days, when he had to leave early to go to interviews or the studio, you would wake to find a note on his side of the bed, Good morning, love. I'll see you tonight, love you most x'

Lovie: when he wants to comfort you

An adaptation of love, "lovie" was what he called you most often when trying to comfort you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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