red (s/a/f)

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In which Y/N and Harry have never used their safe word before - wc: 2,100+

You had a safe word for a reason. The idea of one seemed a bit unusual to you - you never had one in any previous relations, but Harry was also unlike any previous boyfriend. You were a bit embarrassed when he first posed the question, feeling shy to talk about something so vulnerable and intimate whilst casually eating from a pizza delivery box on his couch. It felt strange to talk about those kinds of things when you weren't doing those things. But Harry put your worries at ease - he always did. Unlike anyone you'd been with prior, he always made you feel safe and comfortable in every single situation - and that was the whole point of having a safe word, a streamline of communication between you and your lover to ensure safety and comfort.

Your word was red - just like a traffic light, red meant stop. Neither of you ever imagined having to use the word, and most nights you forgot you even established its existence - because the use of the word was always out of question to you, so why even spend time thinking about it?

While Harry never fell into or quite understood the "daddy" kink (like many people online would believe him to) you both did enjoy some harder, kinkier things in the bedroom. It took awhile for you both to open up about your desires and fantasies, but soon there was no going back. You liked to be controlled, and Harry liked to be in control - it was much more about exerting physical force and dominance. He was rough - very, very rough - and you liked him this way. You loved to submit to him, to be pinned down, and choked - choking, you both discovered, was a euphoric feeling like no other.

Feeling very bold one particular night, Harry had slipped his hand over your throat, giving a gentle squeeze to test you - he always tested first, to make sure you were okay with whatever new thing he wanted to try. From that night on, you both became quite obsessed with the feeling - his hand on your neck was all it took some nights to send you over the edge.

Harry missed you terribly when he traveled. He missed holding you while he slept, he missed waking up to you in bed, he missed making breakfast with you in the mornings, or sharing dinner over a few glasses of wine - but one thing he struggled with the most was missing you sexually. He could talk to you every day and fall asleep with you on Facetime, but nothing could satisfy him quite like having you pinned underneath him on the mattress.

This always made his return home much more exciting - you missed him, yes, but you always knew you were in for a satisfying night when he returned home.

Harry had been gone for a month, doing press and some filming for an upcoming music video - and it only took 10 seconds for him to walk through the door before he had you pinned against a wall. His hand gripped your neck in a slight choke, fingers curling over the curve of the skin, while his other hand was already looping into the fabric of your jeans to hastily undo the button. You didn't care then that he was rushing you, you just wanted to feel him. He greeted you only through his mumbled kisses against your skin, whispering how much he had missed you. You melted at his touch and his words, and could only reply through deep pants and soft tugs at his hair.

Within 5 minutes, he had you pinned to the mattress in your bedroom, bra and panties all that remained of your clothing. While you had missed him and were already wet, you hadn't warmed up at all - and not seeing or having sex with him for the past month meant you needed a bit more time to be ready.

But Harry was eager, and needy, and fuck did he miss you - so as soon as his clothes were stripped off he was ripping your bra and panties off only seconds later.

You didn't protest, lost in the swimming pool of his touches as his hand came down to cup your neck.

He had flipped you over onto your knees, one hand still choking you lightly from behind.

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