we'll be alright (f/p)

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In which having a baby during a global pandemic isn't the best idea wc: 2,700+

It was late November, about a month before your 1 year wedding anniversary, when you and Harry had the fateful conversation.

"I think m'ready for kids." He had said it so casually, as if it wasn't a life altering decision.

"Ya think so?" You had felt ready, too, for a while. But you didn't want to be the first one to bring it up, scared of the possibility of a negative reaction.

He nodded back, "Yeah, I am. Want to have lots of little babies with you."

You smiled at him fondly, "Then let's have lots of little babies."

You had an IUD birth control implant, so you had to arrange with your doctor to get it removed before you could begin trying. Once removed, by mid-December your doctor had assured you that your body was fully up and functioning to conceive a child. For the next 7 weeks, no matter how tired or stressed either of you were, you tried every day. Some days were better than others, much more passionate than the shags you had booked just for purposes of conception, but you never felt closer to Harry in these days - unknowing of the global pandemic slowly creeping up.

By mid-February, things had started to get worse. Many countries began entering lockdowns, and the numbers kept rising every single day. You hated watching the news coverage of the virus, but you also couldn't avoid it - it was the world you were living in, so might as well be informed, right?

"People most at risk of contracting the virus are the elderly and people with compromised immune systems - such as people having pre-existing medical conditions and pregnant women." The CNN morning news anchor had caught your attention, drawing your eyes up from your phone. Harry seemed to be pulled to the TV, too, despite having one airpod in on a FaceTime call with Jeff. His eyes glanced at you, before they shifted back down to his phone.

"Hey, Jeff, um is it alright if I call you back later today? I just really can't wrap my head around music video stuff right now," Harry blurted out, likely cutting Jeff off as he rambled on about the cuts from the music video that had been filmed the month prior on a beach in Malibu.

Jeff assured Harry it was no worry, and in a few seconds, Harry was locking and setting his phone down.

"Hey," he drew your attention back to him. "What're you thinking?"

You sighed, running your hands over your face, looking at your husband from the opposite end of the couch.

"I'm thinking I don't know if we should be trying for a baby right now," you admitted. "I know it's extreme and a lot of people think this isn't a big deal but... I just don't think this is gonna go away before it gets much, much worse."

He nodded, having had the same thoughts himself, "No, I agree with you, love. It's scary to think about. But we have a lot of years left to have kids and... why rush if it's just gonna stress us out?"

You nodded back, sitting onto your heels before crawling over to him. He opened his legs a bit more, letting you slip in between them and fall into his chest, cuddling into him.

"I can see about going to my doctor this week and getting back on the pill? Something temporary so once things get better we can start trying again," you told him quietly.

Harry nodded, pressing soft kisses into your hair, "Whatever you need to do, love. We'll get through this."

Your doctor was, thankfully, still taking appointments. You got in to see her 3 days later.

"So, any luck you think?" she smiled hopefully at you.

You sighed, "Well, that's what I'm here about. I was hoping for a short-term birth control option. Just with the way things are going, we don't want to keep trying for a child right now."

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