saturdays (f/d)

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In which Saturday mornings mean a lot around the Styles household - wc: 1,000+

Harry's warm hands traced over the exposed skin on your back, a loopy smile on his face. You laid on your stomach, arms crossed atop the pillow to rest your head on, leaned to the side to watch your husband. For a moment, neither of you spoke, enjoying the peace and serenity that engulfed you in the room, knowing it wouldn't last for long. You didn't get many moments like this, just the two of you able to enjoy one another. With 2 children, his hectic schedule, and your full-time career, you savored these moments where life seemed to slow down, even if only for a couple minutes.

"G'morning," he smiled, running his hand further underneath his shirt that adorned your body.

"Morning," you whispered, offering him a soft smile.

His hand slid down to cup your bum, only covered by the black cotton panties you had on. He leaned in to give you a soft kiss, and you couldn't help but smile, letting out a soft giggle.

"We have about 5 minutes before the kids are up..." he spoke lowly, nudging your chin up with his nose before pressing wet kisses to your jaw.

"Harry, you might be able to get off in 5 minutes but you know I will never be able to," you laughed. "Besides, 5 minutes is way too risky."

He huffed out, "Damn cock blocks."

Your eyes widened, moving your arms and head to swat his bare chest with a loud slap echoing the room. "Don't call our kids that!" you laughed.

"Ow! That one hurt," he pouted, rubbing over the inked swallows on his chest.

"You'll recover, I promise."

He laughed, throwing his head back a bit and you felt your breath get caught in your throat. Maybe he was right.

He looked beautiful, tanned skin littered with ink, as beams of sunlight cast over his skin, almost glistening in the light. His curls were messy, his hair had grown out quite a bit lately - but you didn't mind a bit, truth be told you were hoping he would keep it around for a bit longer.

He smirked, watching your eyes glaze over his body. "What're you staring at?"

You blushed, "You, you idiot."

He snickered, pulling his closer by your waist, your body colliding with his bare chest. He rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him, your full weight being braced by him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing gentle kisses to his stomach and chest, before dropping your head and nuzzling into his warm body, letting your eyes drift shut.

"You know I'm incredibly hard f'you right now, love, and that doesn't help any," he chuckled.

You smirked, "I know."

As if on cue, your bedroom door swung open and 4 pudgy legs came running in the room.

"Mummy! Daddy! Wake up!" your oldest son, 5, yelled, dragging behind him his 3 year old sister.

"There they are," Harry whispered through a laugh, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You rolled off him as your son clambered onto the bed. Harry leaned over the side to pick up your daughter, setting her on his lap and letting her cuddle into his chest.

Your son looked just like Harry, a scary replica. Anne said he reminded her of Harry as a child.

"We're awake," you smiled, kissing the top of your son's head.

Saturdays you and Harry had designated as a strict family day. The entire day, no matter what, was reserved only for your family - no work, no studio, no meetings. It was really more for the kids, so they could do whatever they wanted and go do something fun. You and Harry always spent every night (or at least he tried to, some nights ran unintentionally late) with your kids after working all day, and Sundays were usually a lazy day off around the house. But Saturdays - Saturdays were your kids favorite because they got to pick the agenda. Hence the earlier morning wake up call each week.

"What're we doing today?" you asked your kids, running your fingers through your son's hair.

"Fishies!" your daughter squealed from Harry's lap, clapping her hands together.

"Fishies? Where are we gonna see the fishies at, bub?" Harry asked her, bouncing her up and down a bit to make her giggle.

"The beach!" your son smiled.

"Okay, the beach it is," you laughed, kissing his cheek.

"Will you make us breakfast first?" your son asked, "Pancakes?"

You looked at Harry, catching the smirk on the corner of his lips.

"Of course, bub. We'll come make you pancakes," Harry replied.

You both slid off the bed, each holding a child, before setting them on the hardwood floors.

"We'll go downstairs!" your son exclaimed, now so eager to receive his pancakes he had been promised that he was going to literally sit and wait for them to be delivered.

Harry chuckled, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist as the 2 toddlers left the room.

He pulled you impossibly close against him, pressing his lips to yours again before moving down along your jaw, eventually sponging kisses along your neck. His lips found your sweet and your head dipped back, arms gripping his biceps.

"Harry," you whispered. "We can't right now, baby."

He hummed against your skin, detaching his lips, but keeping his head right where it was in the bend of your neck.

"I want to have another baby," he whispered.

You weren't positive if you had heard him right.

"You what?"

He pulled his head back, leaning his forehead to yours.

"I want to have another baby with you."

You would be lying if you said you hadn't been thinking about it yourself, but had been scared to bring it up with him. Was it too soon? Or was it too many? Your heart swelled to hear his confession that he had been thinking the same.

"Yeah?" you bit your lip with a teasing smile. "What makes you say that?"

He smirked, leaning down to your neck again, peppering gentle kisses between each sentence, "I love our beautiful little family. I love you. I love our kids... I love our life."

You dipped your hand down to his jaw, bringing his face up to yours, pressing your lips to his again, "Let's have another baby."


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