open windows (f/s)

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In which Y/N hates leaving the window open at night - wc 1,200+

Maybe it was that Harry loved the feeling of your bare legs draped across him, leading you to almost never wear pants to bed, or maybe it was the window cracked open that let in the cool LA breeze, but you couldn't seem to get warm. A large sweatshirt of Harry's covered your torso, balled up at your fists in a futile attempt to keep in as much heat as possible, and fuzzy grey socks Harry had bought you covered your small feet, one of which was tucked in between Harry's legs. You held onto him like a baby koala, trying to absorb as much heat as possible, the blanket covering you wasn't doing enough. Harry, however, slept peacefully beside you - unbothered by the cold air.

You contemplated getting up to shut the window, or maybe tug on a pair of sweatpants - or maybe both, in an attempt to get warm. But ultimately, you dreaded the idea of waking Harry. While he loved to sleep in a cooler temperature, he also was a light sleeper, and would notice immediately the absence of your body pressed against his.

After a half hour of shivering debate, you thought to yourself fuck it and slowly retracted yourself from the boy sleeping peacefully beside you. If you were careful enough, he wouldn't stir, and if you were quick enough to get back in bed, he wouldn't even notice you were gone.

You winced slightly as you moved his tattooed arm off your body, letting it drop to the mattress beside him with a gentle thud. Slipping off the edge of the bed, you made your way over to the window, pulling it shut. You thought of Harry, and how he often complained of getting hot at night, and decided to leave it open just a crack to let it some air to cool him off, but not enough to make you freeze - a happy medium.

Tiptoeing to the large dresser facing the bed, you rummaged through your side, searching for a pair of sweatpants. Huffing in annoyance when you couldn't find the ones you wanted. You had a weird thing with what clothes you wore to bed. The feeling of certain material on your legs made your skin so uncomfortable it prevented you from sleeping. So while you owned a few pairs for lounging around the house, you would never wear them to bed, always opting to wear shorts or just underwear. However you had one pair that you could wear, on the nights like tonight when it was a little too cold for your liking. And you were almost positive they were sitting downstairs in the laundry room, along with all the other clothes in the dryer you and Harry neglected to put away before going to bed.

"Baby?" the raspy voice behind you drew you out of your thoughts.

You turned to see Harry sitting up in bed, leaning up on one forearm. He rubbed his eyes with his other hand.

"What're you doing?" he asked. "Come back to bed."

"M'freezing," you replied. "Looking for my sweats to put on but I think they're downstairs."

"Grab mine that you like," he yawned.

Harry had a pair of sweats that you also find quite comfortable, but you didn't steal as often as you did his shirts.

You pulled open his side of the dresser drawers and pulled out the familiar pair of grey sweats, tugging them on your bare legs quickly before running back over to the bed. You slid under the covers and into Harry's side.

Harry had glanced over to the windows, noticing the absence of white noise that once filled the bedroom. "Did y'close the window?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your stomach, pulling you tightly against him.

You nodded shyly with a small pout, "I hate havin' the window open at night, s'too cold, but I left a little crack for you."

He chuckled at your dramatic hatred for the window, kissing your hairline, "That was thoughtful of you."

You smiled back at him, kissing underneath his jaw.

"Sorry, m'just so cold I can't sleep," you whispered. "Didn't mean to wake you."

He shook his head, "S'okay, love. I missed having ye in my arms. Are y'warm now?"

You nodded, tucking your head into his neck while you swung a leg over his hip. You felt Harry shifting underneath you, adjusting to get back to the comfortable position you both slept in previously.

"Very warm," you giggled. A smile tugged on his lips at the vibrations against his neck.

"Good," he smiled contently, rubbing his fingers lazily up and down your spine in an attempt to lull you back into sleep. "Go to sleep, beautiful."

"M'kay," you mumbled. "I love you." A sleepy hue had filled your voice, Harry noticed, your words slurring a bit and spoken softly.

"I love you, too," he whispered back. His eyes began to flutter shut as his mind started to slip back to a blissful state of slumber. In a few short minutes, both of you had fallen asleep, eyes shut tight and limbs tangled together as your bodies absorbed the heat from one another.

In the morning, when the sun would come up and the temperature would rise, Harry had slipped out of bed, a bit more gracefully than you had, and pulled the window open more before crawling back next to you. This time, the air was not bitter and unwelcoming, but felt refreshing and warm.

When you woke, you would hear the sounds of the birds chirping in the trees outside the window, and the warm LA sunlight would glisten across Harry's skin as he lay next to you, a loopy smile on his face. The room was much warmer now as the sunlight seeped in, and you slipped the sweatpants you once wore off your legs, tossing them to the ground below you.

Harry smiled in delight, peppering kisses up your bare thighs, eliciting sensual giggles from your throat. His lips moved slowly from your thighs to your plush hips, kissing along the bone. He trailed across the span of your stomach, following the line of the black cotton panties you wore. He came to a pause towards the center, an inch or two below your navel, his hungry green eyes darting up to you.

"May I?"

You gave him a gentle nod, encouraging him to continue.

His index fingers dipped into the side of your panties on both sides, right below your hip bone, hooking the fabric around his finger skillfully - he had, after all, done this about a thousand times with you. He sat back on his heels, pulling the fabric down the expanse of your bare legs.

As he teasingly pulled on the material, with it came your legs, feet kicked straight up in the air for him, allowing him to fully rid your body of the small article of clothing. Your legs dropped back down to the bed, a slight bend in the knee, spread on either side of him - now fully exposed to and for him.

He came up to your face again, pressing a hungry kiss to your mouth, tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth gently. Your hands tangled into his hair, while his hands pressed down into your hips, pinning you to the mattress. You let out a shallow gasp into his mouth as you felt 2 fingers plunge inside of you, head dipping back into the pillow.

Maybe it wasn't always so bad to leave the window open. 


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