Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Wanted to post a Trigger Warning for this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with nonconsensual acts, please do not read this chapter!


"He isn't worth your energy..."

"I said, go"

"He will only bring you heart ache..."

"I'm sorry for what I did"

"His actions will just continue. He will continue to hurt more people..."

"He's a monster"

The voices went back and forth in Jade's mind. She tossed in her bed before slowly sitting up, rubbing her glossy eyes. Her tears and hysteria lulled her to sleep until the morning sun kissed her skin. She glanced down at her attire, seeing how she was still in her dress from the night before.

All she wanted to do was rip off the garments from her body, not wanting to be reminded of the pain she endured. His cloak still clung to her shoulders as well, his scent still lingering in the air around her. It tugged on her heart with an intensity so strong, she wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry once more.

He was a monster. His actions caused pain to so many. What she witnessed, both on her home planet and what she had seen the night before, churned her stomach sour. The voice from her sleep echoed once more in her mind.

"He will only bring you heart ache"

Maybe this was a sign, telling her to keep her distance. He isn't worth being broken up over. What she saw last night, the anger that dilated his pupils, was enough for her to be terrified of him.

Her strength pushed her out of bed and onto the chilled floor. She hadn't the foggiest what time it was, all she knew was she needed to cleanse herself of the previous night.

The warm water surrounded her in the bath as she soaked away her dejection. She had her hopes up for him, she was starting to see a different side to him. One that others wouldn't normally see. It filled her heart with disappointment as she stared ahead at the white tiled wall.

How could I be so stupid? To trust such an animal. A monster. This attraction to him is merely physical. It has to be.

Her head ducked under the water as she wanted to only hear silence. Nothing but the sound of her own heart beat against her chest. As she came up, rubbing her face, a long sigh escaped. She knew she would have to train with him that morning, to face him after how he acted. As the bath water started to cool, she reluctantly got out to begin getting ready.

Cora had come by to braid her hair and help her with whatever needs she had. Something Jade was thankful for was the older woman hadn't asked her about her night. Truthfully, it was written all over her face that the night didn't go as planned. There was no reason to prod for an answer she already knew.

"Ren has requested for you to meet him in the training room," Cora stated before leaving her at the door to her room. A pit in her stomach was formed at the news, knowing he must still be angry. Angry enough not to simply walk with her. This ignited the flame in her even more.

On the way to the training room, Jade's small hands were forming into tight fists as she got closer. The idea of seeing his stupid, beautiful face after what happened put her on edge. She was going to stand her ground, he didn't deserve for her to be soft.

When she got there, he hadn't arrived yet. She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she began to stretch. Her arms and legs were sore from the day before but that wasn't going to stop her or hold her back from him. She needed to be unstoppable.

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