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a/n: y'all i tried, i really did try to not make this sound so awkward or cringey or confusing but did it work? ehh, i'm not even sure anymore.  this story is a complete mess now.  anyways, enjoy reading this trash :]

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〜✨〜 black background/wallpaper preferred

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I don't need all your negativity

jungkook's pov

i see yoongi sitting down on one of the benches at the park, probably waiting for me to show up.

"yoongi!" i call out, walking over to him as i raise my hand and wave. yoongi waves back and smiles at me, but something was clearly off about his smile today. it wasn't really that famous gummy smile he would always show me, more of a sad and tired smile.

"you okay?" i ask, "you look kind of sad to me."

"nah, i'm just tired, that's all." yoongi replied.  i know there's something else going on, his eyes are somewhat red and puffy.

"so, why'd you want to meet up?"

"why? is it not okay for me to want to see my best friend every once in a while?" yoongi jokes.

"i'm your best friend? wow, i feel so honored to know that." i say back a bit sarcastically with a smile as he scoffs and hits me lightly on the shoulder. "ow~. that hurt you know."

"yeah right." yoongi laughs.  "anyways. . .can i tell you something?"

"of course you can."

third person pov

"of course you can."  jungkook assures.

yoongi pauses for a moment, swinging his legs just above the ground like a kid, pondering in his head whether or not he should actually tell jungkook about his stupid crush on him.

"never mind actually." yoongi finally speaks up, thinking that he would probably regret telling jungkook that.

jungkook's smile faded a bit, probably wondering if yoongi just didn't trust him enough.  yoongi must've noticed this, so he decided to lay his head on jungkook's shoulder, yawning as he did so.

"u-um." jungkook says, getting flustered at yoongi's sudden action. 

"what?  i'm sleepy, and your shoulder is the perfect place to lay my head." yoongi states nonchalantly. 

there was a slight silence between the two, the only thing making noise was the wind blowing and a couple of birds chirping. 

pretty soon, jungkook could hear sniffling coming from the latter.  "yoongi?  yoongi are you. . .crying?  why are you crying?"

☆pretty girl☆ (Yoonkook, y.k.)Where stories live. Discover now