- eleven -

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this whole update is a complete ROLLERCOASTER RIDE so yeah. . .also didn't proofread this so if there are any errors ignore them, i'll fix it eventually

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〜✨〜 black background/wallpaper preferred

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I'll wear a skirt for you

third person 

let's just say. . .this was kinda awkward, well for yoongi at least.

right now, jungkook and yoongi were seated at the dinner table along with jungkook's parents who sat on the opposite side. 

yoongi never really ate dinner with his own parents ever since he came out so it felt kinda awkward to be having dinner with jungkook's family.

yoongi— still a bit embarrassed about what could've happened earlier— played with his fingers as he looked down at his lap while everyone else started to get their own portions of food.

"are you not hungry honey?" mrs, jeon asks yoongi. (for some reason mrs. jeon just sounds weird to write for me)

yoongi looked up to see jungkook's mom staring at the empty plate in front of him.

"n-no— wait i mean, the food looks delicious! i-i'm just uhm. . .not really used to this stuff." yoongi mumbles, pushing up his glasses slightly.

"what do you mean?" mrs. jeon questions.

"well. . .i never really have dinner with my family anymore let alone friends either so. . ."

"oh, i'm sorry to hear that.  y'know, if we're not too busy we could always invite you over." she suggests. 

"that sounds nice." yoongi smiled softly, finally deciding to get out some food onto his plate— which by the way if you were wondering what it is—  it's chicken doenjang jjigae with rice but that doesn't really affect the plot in any way whatsoever. 

"If it's not too personal for you to share, why were you crying earlier?" mrs. jeon questions out of curiosity.

"it's. . .i-it's personal."

she nods, knowing that yoongi probably told jungkook instead, but that was okay. as long as yoongi felt comfortable. although she really couldn't help but notice the bruises on yoongi's wrists. why was it there?

☆pretty girl☆ (Yoonkook, y.k.)Where stories live. Discover now