Chapter 13 - Date?

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(A/N: Heyyyyy! I'm so sorry I didn't update for a LONG time. It's the holidays and I'm partying HARD XD How have you guys been doing? Hopefully you guys like this chapter, and to make up for the late update, this chapter will be longer and hopefully more conflicts *evil laughs* Follow me on twitter? @Mira_Razali_ I FOLLOW BACK! :D I don't bite :D ENJOYYY! Cheers x )


Chapter 13

Mira’s POV

Today was the day I was going out with MinHo. I was really excited and he was my best friend, I mean he IS my best friend. It’s been years! And, he was my first love. We were never together or anything but he stood by me through thick and thin of my life. I wish I’d stayed in Korea, but if I did, I would never have met Zayn. People say first love are never forgotten but to me, it takes time. You will eventually move on and will find the one whom you truly love and be with him/her. Nathan was my first boyfriend but I was playing around with his feelings. I could never forget MinHo that time but when I met Zayn, my feelings for MinHo started to fade. I got ready fast, wearing my long sleeved t-shirt, jeans and my beanie. I put on a little make up and went down. “Mira, can you sit here for a sec? I want to talk to you,” Zayn said, appearing out of the hallway. “Mira, I don’t trust this MinHo guy. I mean he look decent and all but, suddenly?” Zayn said while holdings my hands. “Okay Zayn, listen here. There is nothing going on between him and me. We are just friends and I’m indebted to him. He helped me a lot,” I said. “Then tell me, did you ever like him.. More as a friend?” Zayn continued. “Zayn..” I sighed. “Mira, tell me? Please?” Zayn pleaded. “Yes, I liked him before. In fact, he was my first love. He liked me too but we were never together. We just stood by each other. People say that we act like a couple but we were just best friends, but Zayn, I met you. And nothing can change the feelings I have for you. It’s gotten bigger by the days I have been with you. So please Zayn, understand how I’m feeling now. I will only love you. Forever and always. I’ve move on. Now smile for me?” I explained. Zayn smiled and said, “ I love you.” “To the stars and back,” I said. “Mira, let’s change ‘to the stars’ to something else when one of us say ‘I Love You’ to each other?” Zayn said. “What do you want to suggest then?” I said. “Hmm.. What about ‘love you too’?” “Too mainstream.” “To the moon and back?” “People always use that. I want it to be unique,” I said. “Think about it. If you get any idea, call me,” I said winking while standing up. “Hey I just met you. And this is crazy. But here’s my number, so call me maybe?” Niall sand as he appeared out of nowhere. I look left and right violently and back at him. “Wha..? Whe-r-e..? “ I stammered. I rolled my eyes and left the room.

MinHo’s POV

The moment I have been waiting for, a day out with MIRA! She is still my first love. Like people said, first love are never forgotten. I knew Mira liked me last time so maybe, I still have the chance to be with her. I regret that I never asked her out last time. But then again, we were only 15! I wore a blue t-shirt and jeans and I grabbed my iPhone and wallet and walked out. My phone vibrated.

Mira: Hey! x I’ve arrived at Starbucks J See you there? X

Me: That’s fast! I’ll be there in a jiffy! Wait for me dongsaeng! X (A/N: Dongsaeng is what you call someone younger than you :DD)

Mira: Araeso Oppa! x (A/N: If you read the previous chapter, you will know what this means)

I smiled to myself. Thinking about her makes my day. I went down and went in the car that was waiting for me. Minutes later, I’ve arrived at Starbucks. I was walking to the door but something stopped. The sight I saw made me clenched my fist harder and harder.


Okay.. I know it's short! i apologise cause my brother wanted to use it! :( What do you think will happen next? What made MinHo clenched his fist? :O Wait for the next chapter! Is there anything else I can make up for? :( I'm really so sorry! Comment? Vote? Fan? Okay, to make up for it,, I shall do a One Shot Imagine for the first 5 people who comment and fan and vote for me :D Ohya, and state the person who you want to be with in the imagine :D Any person :D Cheers x

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