Chapter 16 - Do I Love You?

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(A/N: HELLO GUYSSS/GIRLSSS :D I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT LATER ON SO WATCH OUT YEAH? (: Okay so, I will get on with this chapter :D It could be short. But enjoy it yeah? I love you readers :) x )


Chapter 16

Mira's POV

Wow. I just hugged MinHo. That felt weird.. As I went down, Zayn was kinda mad. "Mira! I haven't seen you in like one whole day! Don't you think I will be worried?!?!" Zayn shouted. "I went to get my shoe! As you literally dragged me down here right after I ate my breakfast, without my shoes on! So don't you lecture me, in wanting to see me if you don't trust me young man!" I explained and shouted. He pouted and back down. Our trip back home was quiet. Actually, I ignored him. Everytime he tried to speak, I raised my finger to shut him up. My phone was still out of battery. As soon as I reached home, I ran to my room and charged it. "Mira, come down. We're gonna have a talk. Right now," Zayn said. I went down and saw all five of them sitting on the couch. "First, we were worried about you. So, here are the rules. One, be back before 11pm. Second, always have either of us with you. I don't trust your friend," Zayn said. "Wait, wha-? You don't trust me with him? So is that it? You're jealous now?! Can't trust me enough to be with the guy whom is my best friend huh? Wait, what am I to you? Am I even the girl whom you like? I don't think so," I said in one breath.

Zayn's POV

Did Mira really thinks like that? That was not my intention at all! I tried to speak but nothing came out. Liam saw my expression. "Mira, it isn't like that. We all knew he loves you. He's just protective. Understand that he was recently dump," Liam explained. "So, that was it. I was only your rebound. You cheated my feelings," Mira said sadly. "No, Mira! It isn't like that!" I shouted. Before I could stop her, she left the place.

Mira's POV

I cried so hard. It's too hard to accept that feeling. Be cheated my feelings. I went to a nearby telephone booth and called MinHo. I could hear the raindrops, and clouds were forming.


MinHo : Hello, who is this?

Me : Sob.. Sob..

MinHo : Hello?

Me : Min..Ho.. Sob.. Please pick me up. I.. sob..

-Call Ended-

Before the call ended, I gave MinHo the address. After 10 mins, he arrive in a taxi. By that time, it was already raining. Pitter.. Patter.. Pitter.. Patter.. Sitting on the pavement, while hugging myself, MinHo immediately came up to me and gave me his jacket. I was shaking. "Brr.. I-i'ts.. C-cold," I stuttered. He bring me to his house. As we arrived, everyone was still there. B1A4 and MinHo's bandmates. They were shocked and kept asking me questions. I was too tired to care. "Tired.." Is all Ianaged to say. "Hey, let her rest first. We will talk later," MinHo said. They nodded. As I entered his room, he askes me to change my clothes, but I was too sick to move. I was sneezing and coughing. "Ahh, you're sick," he said. He came up beside me and touch my forehead. "You're hot, as in burning," he exclaimed. "Hah.. Thanks..." I said weakly. "Shh, don't talk. You're sick, and you have to change your clothes. Come here, I shall change for you. Don't worry, I am not a pervert neither shall I see your body. I shall wear a blindfold," He said. All I could do was nod. Soon, I was unconscious.

MinHo's POV

As I change her clothes, while wearing a blindfold! She was sleep talking.

-Convo when Mira's Sleeptalking-

Mira : Ahah.. We're in Seoul..

MinHo : You wanna go to Seoul?

Mira : Yeah with my father and.. MINHO!

MinHo : Oh.. Do you love him or something?

Mira : I do actually, but someone's in the way.. Zayn. MinHo is my....

-Convo Ended-

Awh.. I wanted to know what she was about to say! But I was happy to know that she still love me. I was dumbfounded for a moment. I went to the living room with a big smile on my face.

Mira's POV

As I wake up, I found MinHo right beside me. All I remember was, MinHo taking off my clothes! WHAT?! OHMYGOD. I screamed. MinHo was awaken by my scream. "Did you take off my clothes?!" I shouted. "Don't scream..-" I screamed. B1A4 and the others soon appeared. "Chill! I did that while wearing a blindfold. I saw nothing!" MinHo pouted like a little kid. I heaved a sigh of relief. We all took turns showering and gathered at the living room. "So.. What happened yesterday?" Taemin asked. I explained to them what happened. "Oh.. I see. I wonder why Pouty was so sad on the phone yesterday," MinHo said while doing cute faces, which was a total fail. We ended up laughing at one another. Gong Chanshik was much better at doing it. "You know, MinHo's single, and I bet both of you would make a cute couple," Onew said. I found myself blushing. "Umm. Well, anyway! What should I do about Zayn? Should I break up or something? The thing is, I'm not sure if I do live him. Maybe it's his handsome face.. There's no way he could have fallen for me! I mean look at this face!" As soon as I know, I was beating both of my hands. MinHo stopped me by hugging me. All I could do was cry. I was hopeless.


Awwwww. That's sad for Mira /: Well, what did you guys think? I'm using this on my handphone so it maybe crappy. JENGJENGJENG. THE ANNOUNCEMENT NOW :DD

I AM WRITING A NEW FANFIC :D This isn't One Direction, I'm sorry to say that. It would be a k-pop band :D It's called B1A4. As much as I love 1D, it isn't a crime to like other bands right? Nyehehehehe. Maybe some of you don't like korean bands or whatsoever, but recommend it to someone who do please! Or you could read it :) Here's an intro.

A girl with a boy's name, Gu Ji Hoo. She had 4 other true friends whom she could spend time with almost everyday. They were into k-pop and never get tired of fangirling all day long. But when tragedy strikes, will she be able to cope? Or is there deeper meaning to it? Everything happens for a reason.

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