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The apartment is clean, but smells of sex.

"Have you never heard of febreze?", I ask Hyunjin. He laughs.

"Says the guy who comes home smelling of coffee"

"I'm a barista. I don't have a choice."

"And I have someone as sexy as Seungmin as my boyfriend. I don't have a choice either."

I shake my head and grab the febreze, pressing the spray nozzle so it sprats all over Hyunjin.

"Ya nasty"

"Oww fuck. It's in my eye"

"Language", I warn.

"You sprayed fucking air freshener into my eye! I'm allowed to curse, thank you very much!"

Indeed, his eye is red and tearing up.


I spray the couch and Hyunjin's room, then the kitchen for good measure. Everything smells overpoweringly  of Febreze Whispering woods tm, but it's better than having to smell my roommate's sex life.

I fix my hair and put on the green polo shirt with the company's logo on it.

Then, I realize the febreze did not just get on Hyunjin.

"Can I use your cologne?"

"Sure, whatever"

Satisfied with the answer, I spray some, and grab my phone.

Then I put on my jacket and walk to the coffee shop, which is 5 minutes away from campus.

It's small, and not very wide, but pretty long. High tables have bar stools standing beneath them, and the countertop is mahagony wood. It's pretty old fashioned, and not very well known outside of the local circles.

The coffee is the best though, even better than Starbucks's, and I get an employee discount.

The first customer enters, a man whose been coming here since before I started working here.

"A simple latte with a shot of caramel"

I grin roguishly.

"Same as always, huh? How are the kids?"

Mr. Smith smiles.

"They're growing up, all right. Soon enough, I'll be able to show my oldest the shop."

"I could make a small coffee of the type I liked when I was 15, if you want me to"


Mr. Smith lights up at the thought of having something to share with his son.

I finish the coffees.


He pays and leaves, and I connect my phone to put on some music. I select my favorite songs playlist and let wow play in the background as I clean some things.

I really hope no one else is coming in, to be honest. I've dealt with enough humans for today.


I look up and there's a cute guy standing in front of me.

"Hi. What would you like to order?", I chirp.

"I'm not sure, I just moved here at the start of the semester, so I don't know what tastes good."

"Are you studying at the university?"

Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now