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Seungmin stands there panting.

"Holy shingle, what happened?"

"No one is sure. But Chan allegedly started it."

The fact settles unpleasantly within me.

"I've got to go there", I say, and start running. I'm not sure what happened, but I know I need to find out. For my own sanity.

There is a crowd standing in the corridor while Chan beats the shit out of Johnny, pounding in on him again and again and again.

Johnny fights back a bit, trying to keep Chan's fists away from his face, but it's clear who has the upper hand. Johnny could probably beat Chan if he'd actually do more, seeing as he's taller and just as muscled, if a bit lankier than the sturdily built Chan. He doesn't, though, so it's clear who actually wants the fight.

I step into the middle of it, and try to drag Chan off, pulling at his arm. He's changing, that much is clear. The wolfs ears are showing, and his arms are getting furrier.

"Chan", I yell into his ear, knowing how sensitive they are.

It works. Chan's head snaps upward to me. Something flashes through his eyes, almost like pain, and I realize that he's about to give in to instinct. It's a wonder he made it this long. When he snarls, I can see the elongated canines that have replaced his teeth.

"Get off of Johnny", I warn in a low voice, putting as much force as I can muster into the words.

Chan must realize I'm not playing, because he scrambles up immediately.

I grab his wrist and hold it tightly enough to leave bruises while Ten, Hyunjin and Seungmin take care of Johnny, then pull him away from the prying eyes of the lingering crowd.

I shove him into an empty classroom.

"What are you doing, Bang?", I demand, shutting the door behind me firmly.

Chan's changing, but he's trying to stay calm, I note.

"He's a cheating bastard", he spits.

"What the frack? What gave you that idea? He's like the sweetest boyfriend ever!"

It's true. Johnny always lets Ten win arguments, and the entire tutor session with him, Johnny was staring at him, completely in love.

"He cheated on you with Ten"

What. The. Hell.

"How the frick frack snack track can he cheat on someone he's not dating?"

"You're not dating?"

Chan's voice is confused, and maybe a bit relieved?

"No, you numbskull. What you saw was him and his boyfriend, interacting as a couple. And why do you care anyways?"

Chan swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing, and steps closer to me. Then, with no warning, he kisses me, encompassing my lips with his.

I push him away after the initial shock.

"What the duck Christopher? You can't just do that. First of all, there's a thing called consent, and you did not get it. Second of all, that's literally the most hypocritical thing I've seen in my life, you can't go off on someone for cheating, and then cheat! It doesn't work that way. Third, you totally overreacted, hurt me, and didn't even apologize. You don't first call someone a liar, and then kiss them!"

"I'm sorry, Jeongin, I- just give me a chance."

"A chance at what?"

"To make it better. To heal your heart."

A/N: I can make it better, I can hold you tighter

"You have not properly apologized, plus, news flash, you have a boyfriend! I'm leaving."

"Jeongin, wait-"

I walk out of the door, letting it shut behind me with a satisfying slam.

Fuck him for playing with my heart.



"Channie, what happened? I heard you got in a fight. Are you ok?"

His lip is bleeding, and he has a cut on his cheekbone. Dried blood is caked on it, but he doesn't notice.

"I did. But that's not important. Listen, this isn't working."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you like I used to"

"Channie wait, can't you try", Felix pleads.

"I have tried. But I don't like you that way anymore. We could try to stay friends", Chan suggests halfheartedly.

"Fuck you, Chan", Felix spits out.

Whatever. It's not like he didn't know this was coming. It was clear from the beginning Chan didn't love him. But Felix had hoped... He had hoped he could get Chan to love him again, eventually.

He's crying now, but of course, Chan doesn't see. He's to busy planning dates with Jeongin, probably.

Fuck him then.

Felix trudges out into the rain, no longer wanting to be in the suffocating corridors.

It batters at him, soaking his clothes, his hair, and his shoes, but he doesn't care.

"Are you ok? Here, take my umbrella, you're going to get sick. Oh wait, Felix? What's going on?"

Felix smiles weakly at the man in front of him, holding out his umbrella.

"Chan broke up with me."


"It's fine, it's not like I had a chance, anyway."

"Fuck love, am I right?"

Felix echoes his sentiment, but as he stares at Changbin next to him, politely helping and listening to him, he wonders if love might be possible for him after all.


"He did what?", Seungmin screeches, standing up.

"I'm going to kill him"

"Babe, please calm down."

"No. There's no way in hell I am letting that man anywhere near Jeongin ever again."

"Seungmin please", I ask,"it's fine. He's not coming near me again. I'm over him, anyway."

"He better not", Seungmin warns,"I didn't let you have a one night stand for nothing."

"Excuse me? You don't let me do anything. I decide for myself"

"Sure you do, kid", Seungmin says.

"You're 5 months older than me. Shut up"

"Poor baby"

"I will come after you"

"Good luck with that", Seungmin shrugs.

I punch his arm. He just laughs.

"Stop making fun of me"

I start tickling him, which turns out to be way more efficient.

Hyunjin joins in on the action, and Seungmin tries, and fails subsequently, to glare at him.

"Stop- haha- please- wheeze- you win", he giggles out as Hyunjin and I tickle him off of the couch.

When we do stop, Seungmin jumps onto me.

"Revenge", he shouts, and starts counter tickling me.

I try to tell him to get off of me, but I can't bring the words out, because I'm too busy wheezing with mirth.

Finally, Hyunjin takes mercy on me and pulls his boyfriend off, who whines like a little kid.

"Let go off me, you buffoon"

Hyunjin shuts him up with a kiss, and as it gets more heated, I decide this is an excellent time to leave the comfort of the couch.

Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now