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On Monday, it starts raining out of nowhere, and I don't have time to grab an umbrella, since I'm already running late, so I sprint to class, the rain getting Hyunjin's sweater I stole because Oversize is my aesthetic wet.

Hyunjin glares at me when I enter the classroom.

"You asshole", he whispers,"that was my favorite hoodie. Now it's soaked and probably smells like coffee."

"Excuse me? I don't have a shift until this afternoon."

"Innie, you always smell like coffee. It's pleasant, but not when it's in my hoodie", Hyunjin frowns and pouts at me and I hold up my hands in an 'ok ok' gesture.

He smiles.

"Now, you have to tell me about you and that sexy tutor. There's no way you need this much tutoring, you're not stupid."

I laugh and shove him. He falls from his chair.

"Mr Yang, Mr Hwang"

"Yes, sir"

"See me after class."

I pout.

"Busted", Seungmin laughs loudly at his boyfriend's misfortune.

"Mr Kim, you can join them"

Seungmin frowns. 

Hyunjin is the one to laugh now.


"Mr. Kim, Mr. Hwang, I've caught you making out in the classroom twice, you talk more than you're quiet, and you haven't actively participated in ages. You need to shut up and listen. Mr. Yang, your grades have been getting worse over the last month. You need to do the essays and the other work properly, in the time frame I ask for. Otherwise, I have to fail you."

I look to the floor, ashamed.

"Sorry, sir"

"Just don't let it happen again."

We leave together. Hyunjin looks at me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You don't just usually not do the papers. And your grades must be pretty bad for the professor to say something"

"It's not that dramatic", I deny.

"Jeongin? You never say bad grades are not that dramatic. What's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Everything's fine"

"Why do I have a Deja vu feeling about this being like the meme with the dog in that burning house?"

"Because you're a drama queen"

"He's not wrong", Seungmin admits,"but seriously, Jeongin, you're good?"

"Yeah, of course"

We enter the cafeteria and I sit at an empty table while Hyunjin and his boyfriend grab lunch.

Changbin spots me and sits next to me with his lunch, Chan sits down across from me and then Felix joins us, sitting next to Chan. Jisung sits down next to Felix.

"Are you not eating?", Chan asks, worried.

"No, I don't eat lunch."

Hyunjin and Seungmin sit next to me on my other side, on the seats I saved.

"Never pegged you as a very social person, Innie. Where are all these people materializing from?", Hyunjin asks, laughing a bit.

"Excuse you? I'm very social. I'm practically a social butterfly"

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