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I take a bunch of paper with me into the room along with all my books. I need to get some of the schoolwork done.

Chan turns pretty easily this time, and doesn't make a big fuss or try to tear apart anything, allowing me to finally catch up on my schoolwork at least in part. He even helps me with some, pawing at the right passages or nudging me with his nose when I nod off. He also makes a good pillow to rest my head on once I'm done with some of it, soft and fluffy.

I fall asleep, but it must still be dark when I wake, because Chan is still a wolf. I run my fingers through his thick, tangled pelt.

I grab my phone and put on some of the softer songs from 3Racha. Chan whips his head around.

"You know 3Racha?", I ask.

The wolf's head cocks slightly. Slowly, he nods. 

"Cool! Finally somebody. They're so underrated, I swear."

The wolf nods again.

"My favorite rapper is probably CB. I mean, he can rap and sing, and speak English. And Aussie accents are sexy"

Too late, I remember Chan is also Aussie.

"Ummm, I mean..."

Chris changes back to a human in the blink of an eye.

"And what do you mean, Innie?", he purrs, gently turning my chin toward him so that I can't look away.

I realize I'm lying on his chest, and shoot up.

"You changed voluntarily?", I ask, astounded.

"Yeah, I stayed a wolf for the past half an hour 'cause I wanted to let you sleep. It's easy to find a balance when I'm alone with you."

My cheeks feel like they're on fire.

"Now, what did you mean-"

"Let's go make breakfast", I interrupt, standing up and rushing off to the kitchen.

Chan follows more leisurely.

I start frying some eggs sunny side up while Chan makes me coffee. He doesn't drink any( he doesn't like it, for reasons I can't fathom), but he makes me some every morning I'm here if I don't beat him to it, no matter how much I insist that's not necessary.

I feel a weight on my shoulder and jump, turning around. 

Chan stands way too close to me for a casual setting, practically pressing against me.

"Sorry, I was tired", he pouts a bit.

"It's fine, I'm just jumpy"

Chan doesn't step back though, his eyes dark and maybe even mischievous.

He presses into me, his hands resting on the bar in front of the stove.

Hie eyes are lidded when he looks at me. 

I squeak out something incoherent about eggs burning and he steps away.


Breakfast is finished, and Chan checks his watch.

"I'm going to go shower", he announces.

I nod and sit down on the couch. 

The apartment is cold, and I am too before long, so I venture into Chan's bedroom to steal a hoodie. 

I search through his drawers, getting distracted by the fact that yes, he's in the shower, and yes, he's there naked. So distracted in fact, that I don't even notice the telltale noise of the shower turning off.


I turn, and am stunned, blinded by the sight before me.

Chan's torso glitters with drops of water he didn't wipe off with a towel, and a droplet of it drips down his massive pecs, making it's way over the smooth, pale skin.

I want to touch it.

His biceps look beautiful, and incredibly veiny, the water droplets running in small rivulets.

His hair is wet, curls sticking slightly to his forehead, like he's just been through a workout.

I bite my lip.

His eyes trail to them, then down, over the fabric of the thin shirt.

"I was just getting a hoodie", I say.

He nods, and walks closer.

The towel around his waist loosens a fraction.

I gulp. He notices, and his Adam's apple bobs.

He stands next to me now, and opens a drawer further down. It's filled with hoodies.

"Just choose one", he says gruffly.

Quickly, I grab a random one and walk out but not before throwing a last lingering glance at those beautiful wet muscles.


There's a kind of tension all morning.

At one point, I look toward Chan and I could swear he was looking at my ass.

Right now, he makes lunch while I keep working on my essays. I'm basically done with them now, and it's nice to have that weight off of my shoulders. Especially from the way my grades have been doing a kind of free fall.

A/N: Now I'm free, free fallin' 

I glance at Chan. He's hunched over the stove, working on perfecting some food. Chili, I think, though I can't be sure.

The doorbell rings, and I walk over to the buzzer.

Before long, Felix is standing in the doorway, looking a bit annoyed by the fact that I'm here.

"Channie", I call.

"What is it, Jeongin- oh hi Felix"

"Hey Chan. I wanted to apologize again for ghosting you. Truth is, my parents had just finalized their divorce and I didn't want any more heartbreak."

"Ok", Chan says,"I accept your apology."

"And, I was wondering if we could go out just the two of us, for old times sake."

Felix glances at me.

"Do you mind?", he asks, almost coolly.

"No no, of course not, you two do that. I'll just pack my stuff and leave. Chan made enough food for two anyway", I say.

"You sure, Innie?", Chan asks.

"Yeah, it's cool. I have stuff to do back at the apartment. When can I give you back the hoodie?"

Felix's face falls a bit, as if only just realizing I'm wearing Chan's hoodie.

"Keep it. It looks good on you."

I smile at Chan and he smiles right back. He looks so soft, standing there in an apron and with his hair undone.

I pack up my stuff and get out hastily, throwing a last glance at the ex couple.

I don't want to hate Felix, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, the fact that he intruded and took over so easily.

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