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Chan stares at my neck, which has make up covering the meaningless hickies all through lunch. But as soon as I meet his gaze, he looks away again, paying attention to his boyfriend, and holding him on his waist.

I ignore their adorable interactions in favor of watching Hyunjin and Seungmin badly flirt.

Still, I can't help but wish I would be sitting on Chan's lap instead of Felix.

No wait, Bad Jeongin.

Changbin sits next to Chan, awkwardly picking at his salad. Jisung isn't even sitting at their table, choosing one further away. Minho hugs him, glaring daggers at Changbin. 

I bang my head against the table. I'm such an idiot.


I have a tutor session with Johny after lunch.

"My boyfriend wanted to meet you", Johnny says nonchalantly.

"Oh, cool. Will he be joining us, then?"


We walk over to the library, and Johnny raises his arm to wave at a short boy looking over at us. Johnny's boyfriend is also very attractive, with cat like eyes and short, wind swept hair.

He slips into Johnny's arms and holds out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul."

Porn what?

He laughs at my expression.

"Just call me Ten, everyone else does."

"I'm Yang Jeongin, your boyfriend's new tutee."

"I know, Johnny told me about you. Though I have to say, you're shorter than I thought you would be."

I'm thrown off guard by this random factual comment and the calm way he says it.

"I told you he was short", Johnny protests.

"Honey, you call everyone short."

"That's not true, I call Rowoon tall."

"That's cause he's a giant."

They continue bickering affectionately, and I feel very much like a third wheel.

"So... Um... Tutoring?", I venture.

"Oh, right"

Johnny sits down at the table and grabs some books from his bag. Ten and I join him.

"So what do you want to work on?"

"The difference between will and going to, please"

"Ok. Going to is used when it's a fact. Like for example..."

Ten and I exchange glances. He stares at me unblinking, so I stare straight back, until I finally have to blink before my eyes dry out.

"HA, I WON", Ten yells and jumps up from the table to run a victory lap.

"Sir, we're going to need you to calm down", the librarian starts.

"Let me guess: you weren't listening, were you?", Johnny asks.

"I was", I lie.

"Uh-huh. So tell me, what's the correct grammar if I plan to fly back to the US in the summer, and have already bought the tickets."

"What do I get if I answer correctly?", I ask.

"What do you want?"

"I want your MCR hoodie."

Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now