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It's Wednesday when I finally get an answer from Mrs. Patterson.

Hello Mr. Yang,

I would love to meet up to discuss the similarities. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near Korea. But I do know some people with the condition who are. Would you like to meet them?

Mrs. Patterson

I decide to give her an answer as soon as I've spoken about it with Chan. Just then, the door's bell rings.

I look up. Jisung and Minho have just entered the building, holding hands.

"Are you two on a date?"

"Yeah. And Sungie wanted to show me the coffee shop."

They order and I take this as a chance to ask Jisung about something.

"So Sung... How long were Felix and Chris together?"

Minho spits out his coffee.

"What's this Felix's last name?"

"Lee, I think, why?"



Minho looks straight at me.

"Where can I find him?"

"Uhhh. Campus?"

He rushes off, not even sparing Sung a glance.

"Minho! We were on a date!", he calls after the other.

Then he looks at me.

"Do you know what that was about?"

I shrug.

"He's your boyfriend."


"My question?", I prompt.

"Oh, right. They were together about 3 years, as far as I can tell. From age 15 to 18. They were each other's first everything's. And then, Felix ghosted Chan 2 days before their anniversary. He spent months planning it... I'm sorry, I think I need to follow Minho", he excuses himself, quickly paying and then running out of the shop.

I shrug and close up the shop.


"I might as well get you a key, you're here so often."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Point taken."

Chris sits down on the couch.

"So, how can I help you?"

"Remember Mrs. Patterson?"

Chan nods, eyes widening.

"She can't come here personally, but she knows a few others like you. Would you like to meet them?"

Chan nods.

"Yes, I would." 


Dear Mrs. Patterson,

Thank you for the reply! I have spoken with my partner, and we would like to speak to others with the same problems. Would you be so kind as to arrange a meet up?

Yang Jeongin 


Dear Mr. Yang,

Of course. Does 6 pm on Friday in two weeks work for you? The address is xxxxxxxxxx street x.

Mrs. Patterson.


Dear Mrs. Patterson,

That works perfectly well, thank you for the help!

Yang Jeongin



"Hi, this is Changbin again? I'm not sure how to say this, but is Chan supposed to have two sets of ears? Jisung is here bawling his eyes out because Minho won't talk to him, and Chan grew some wolfs ears or something?"

I look at my whirl. Of course I noticed it's been throbbing, but it throbs whenever Chan even gets slightly emotional. Last week, I thought he was dying or had met Felix when in reality, he'd been watching Hachi: a dog's tale.

"He's snarling in a corner now."

"I'm coming"

Sighing, I pack up my books. Constantly having to take care of Chan has taken it's toll on my grades, but I'd never tell him that.

The walk from the library to the complex is a short one. Changbin opens up immediately.

"His teeth are longer too", he reports.

I nod, pursing my lips.

"Listen, Jeongin, you need to talk to Chan about your grades. I get that that would stress him, but your starting to fail way more than just your English classes."

"I know, but I can't just tell him to stop having emotions, can I? And it's even worse for him."

Changbin nods. Chan's constantly in pain, trying to fight off the wolf. But it's hard when it's in his own mind.

"You still need to take care of yourself, Innie"

"Let's just check on the other two, shall we?"

Jisung lies crying on the couch, wailing about his boyfriend leaving him for Chan's ex.

Chan sits hunched up in a corner, curled into a little ball, and holds his hands over both sets of ears, wincing.

I walk over to him, and soothingly rub circles onto his back.

"It's ok if you let the wolf out. I'm here"

"No it isn't! I can't- I can't let him win."

"It's not a question of winning, Chan", I try to point out.

"Yes, yes it is. I won't let the wolf control me"

Jisung is now more quietly blubbering, hugging Changbin like a stuffy.

The short man seems a bit unsure about what to do, awkwardly patting his back.

"It's ok", he says.

The phone in my pocket vibrates, reminding me of what I texted Hyunjin. I asked about Minho.

You better not show this to that Jisung fellow, because he seems nice, he texts, but M and F left the dance studio together, with M's arm around F.

"Shit", I breathe, and Chan's head snaps up immediately.

"What is it?", he growls frantically,"what is it?"

I'm not sure which would stress him out more, telling him or not, so I show him the text.

His eyes widen, and I can basically see him suppressing the wolf. But he looses the fight. In few seconds, he's changed and paces the apartment.

He's actually a lot calmer and more collected in wolf form, when he's not freaking out like right now.

Changbin makes eye contact with me, and I can tell he's asking what the hell is happening, so I give him a discreet nod towards the door.

He nods, and untangles himself from the crying boy. We walk to the door. I show him the text.

His eyes bulge, and then he glares at the phone.

"Are you kidding me? The asshole had Jisung! Jisung! I don't know how you could cheat with a boyfriend as handsome and kind and perfect as that!"

He seems a bit more mad and emotional than he should be, so I quietly ask:

"Changbin? Do you have a crush on Jisung?"

Changbin laughs brokenly, looking me straight in the eye.

"A crush? No. I've been in love with Han Jisung since middle school."

A/N: dramama ramama ramama hey

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