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Someone knocks on the door.

"Did you order something from Amazon?", Hyunjin asks.

"With what money? I'm broke."

"Well then who knocked? We don't know that many people who don't just barge in uninvited."

Hyunjin and I give a pointed look toward Seungmin.

"I'm your boyfriend, you gave me a key"

"Maybe it's Yuta? He only knocks when the music is too loud though."

"I'm just going to open it", Seungmin says, and moves toward the door.

But when he opens it, he immediately shuts it again.

"I'm going to need a butchers knife"

"It's Chan, isn't it?"

"What gave you that idea?", Seungmin asks, running to the kitchen.

"Curse your barely filled pantries. Where is a huge knife when you need it?"

He walks back into the living room with a smaller bread knife, though it's still on the large side.

"Right, I'mma make sure Seungmin doesn't get charged with murder"

I stand up, and stop him from opening the door.

"Let me try to handle this, but if I call for help, feel free to chop off a limb", I say.

Seungmin nods and smiles creepily.

"It would be my pleasure"

I nod.

"Ok then."

I open the door, and, like I guessed, Chan is standing on the other side of it.

I walk out and close the door behind me.

"Say what you came to say, but if you try anything, Seungmin is standing behind the door with a knife", I warn.

"Why do you have such creepy friends?"

"If you think Seungmin's bad, you haven't seen Hyunjin when someone touches his Jinyoung shrine."

Or you, I silently add.

He snorts, looking at the floor.

"I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have called you a liar, or said that you've broken my trust. And I overstepped boundaries by kissing you."

Mainly those that he has a boyfriend.

"It's fine. I'm- I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have- it was... impolite of me not to tell you about me failing. And I acted like a beach when I ripped apart your trio. I was brash and kind of an bad mannered asshole, and I'm sorry"


I nod.

Chan opens his arms in a hug, but then thinks better of it, instead holding out his hand. I shake it, and then hug him.

He smells like the expensive perfume in the apartment. Duh. It feels good to be held by him, him burying his head into my neck.

"Innie, are you good, you've been standing outside for a long- oh", Seungmin pauses.

I let go of Chan.

"Hurt him, and I'll cut your dick off with a chainsaw."

Seungmin points his knife at the elder.


Chan seems a bit uncertain, but fearful.


Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now