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I look at my phone in disbelief. Then I start screeching.

"What?", Hyunjin comes into my room, tired.

"3Racha is doing a photo shoot, only with masks, so I can finally almost see what my husband looks like", I scream, and fanboy all over the place.

"Ok, calm down, you're overstating things. You're not married."

"I will be"

I spread my arms wide and cuddle into my blanket.

"I bet CB is just as handsome as he sounds."

"When are the pictures dropping?"

"in 2 hours. I get to see what my soulmate looks like", I (dolphin) screech.

"Cool, that'll be fun."

Hyunjin is exactly the right mixture of disdainful and supportive for my fanboy self.

"Yeah yeah, I know it's not a big deal for you"

"Unless they're handsome."

"What does Seungmin think of your hoeing?"

"He knows I would never actually bang someone else, so he's pretty chill about it, actually."

"Still, if you try to sexualize CB..."

"You've been sexualizing him the entire time."

"I have not"

"Have too"


I roll my eyes, and  feel an abnormally strong twinge in my finger.

"Actually, I've got to go, see you", I bring out, and grab my jacket.

The forest is still scary, but my fear has lessened ever since I started walking through it more regularly.

There's something about doing something repeatedly that takes the fear of it.

I open the door to the apartment building with keys Chan issued me last week.

Chan sits on his couch in front of an empty piece of paper while biting the inside of his cheek.

"Channie, you good?"

He looks up at me and gives me a nervous smile.

"If you want to be distracted, you can wait for the drop of the pictures with me."

Somehow, this only serves to make him more nervous. His ears pop up once again, and his pupils dilate a bit.

"Or not, you know, it really is your choice", I say rushed.

"No, that's ok. Listen, Innie, I need to tell you something. About my job..."

Chan swallows and his jaw begins to flicker.

"You better not be a drug dealer", I warn jokingly.

"I'm not, I promise."


"I'm... I'm CB97, the rapper."

I start laughing.

"Good one. But seriously, is there anything?"

"I promise I'm not lying. I'm CB."

"Chan, that's not really funny."

"Good, because I'm not joking."

I stare at him, inching away. He stares back at me, and the mark throbs even stronger.

"Have you been drinking? Or are you high or something?"

Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now