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"But who will make me soup?", Hyunjin whines as I drag my bags out of the dorm.

"I'll be living 20 minutes from here, Jinnie, you'll be able to come by anytime."

"I know, and I'm proud of you. My best friend is finally growing up"

He squishes my cheeks and pulls at them.

Seungmin comes in and gives me some things.

"Here's another three packets of toothpaste. Plus some condoms. I wasn't sure what size Chan was, so I got you every one I could find. And here's lube."

"Um... Thanks?"

Chan enters the room filled with bags.

"Innie, are you coming? The car's out front to transport your things."

"Hurt him, and I won't hesitate, bitch"


"Yeah yeah."

Chan helps me carry my things to the car.

"I already cleaned out half of my closet, I just hope it's enough space, otherwise I can buy another one."

"It's fine, we'll find out soon enough."


I wake up to Chan snuggling into me, wrapping me in his arms like a protective cocoon. He watches me wake through half lidded eyes.

"Can we please not imitate twilight?"

"I just had to make sure"

"Of what?"

"That you're really here, and really mine."


My voice is soft and fragile.

Chan smiles and attempts to kiss me.

"Chan no, I have morning breath."

"I like your morning breath."

He kisses me and draws back with a grimace.

"I told you so."


Petulant man child.

I walk into the bathroom and he follows, hanging onto me like a tired koala.

He doesn't let go while we brush our teeth, keeping one arm around my waist at all times.

I cuddle into him, laying my head down on his shoulder.

"I want to teach you something"


"And then three cups of tomatoes, right?"

"Yep. Now you just let it cook a bit."

I'm teaching Chan my grandma's soup recipe. He was hopeless at first, completely over cooking the onions, but he's gotten the hang of it.

I dangle my legs from the countertop, kicking them aimlessly. Chan walks in between them to give me a slow kiss. He tastes like vegetables and toothpaste.

The timer beeps, and he makes his way over to it while I admire his frame in the apron, which highlights his slim waist and his broad shoulders.

I can't believe I get this beautiful man all to myself.

The timer beeps again on two other pans, and I stifle a laugh as he tries to take care of both at once. The stress causes his wolf ears to form.

I jump off of the countertop.

"Can I help?"

"Please do."

I take care of the one pan and he seasons the other, throwing it into the big pot.

Then, he surprises me by giving me in a back hug.

"I love you", he mumbles against my neck, nuzzling the bites he left on previous nights.

"I love you too"

Going to leave the Changlix situation open. It might work, it might not, that's life \(.-.)/

Sorry, this was bad, and rushed, but it's over now, so :)

Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now